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I REALLY Need Your Help!
1/29/2007 9:28:57 PM
To All My Friends, As you know I do not send out a lot of Request to join my new form, but I REALLY need your help. You see on the 02-15-07 I will be locked up for a GOOD cause, but I NEED your help getting "OUT" PLEASE help as much as you can... I'm in need of $2400 dollars to get me out of lock up, I want to send 2 of Jerrys kids to camp this summer, and help fight MDA... If you can't help, PLEASE send this link to as many people as you can to get to my goal... If I get Left in JAIL, that's OK... But to let my two buddies miss out on camp would brake my heart! It's only a few dollars if everyone chips in $10 or $20 would by GREAT!! You spend more than that on JUNK (I do anyway) Could you help by giving? OR at least pass this on to those who WILL? I have never ask anything of my friend's here and you all have been the best friend's anyone could ask for... Just this once Would you? You guys are the best and I have been here long enough to see that Adland has the best PEOPLE on earth! Just go here now and Give all that you can, for it WILL come back to you! Thank all of you in advance... May God richly Bless You ALL Pat
Re: I REALLY Need Your Help!
1/29/2007 9:38:29 PM


Is there anyway I could donate from my PayPal?

Much Luv,


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Thomas Richmond

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Re: I REALLY Need Your Help!
1/29/2007 10:01:25 PM
My Church might help? The International Chuch's of Christ, Non-Denominational, and we have a Cherity based Called HOPE World Wide, for Foster kids,for schools,homes,and family, give us a try? the coordinator for our for one of many church's here in San Diego her name is  They may have some kind of fund for a Jerry Kid, i call them a jerry Kid because i am one. Try it she might respond back?
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Re: I REALLY Need Your Help!
1/29/2007 10:11:13 PM



I'll check and let everyone know...


Thank's, Pat

Larry Blethen

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Re: I REALLY Need Your Help!
1/31/2007 12:57:07 PM
hello what form can I help....Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603

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