Hello All,
I joined AdlandPro barely a week ago. I am impressed by the many business opportunities people are truly passionate about. I also realise with passion comes selective reasoning. People are possessive about what they have got, even though they want to share.
You see sharing is a two way thing. I am sensitive to new opportunities. I have signed up to a number already, because I have been able to articulate the link between my passion and their passion.
It is said in the network marketing field that you cannot be in two networks at the same time. There are practical and even legal reasons why you cannot and should not run two teams at once. I agree this is true where you are outwardly building a network and are close to the end product consumer.
However, where the network is a knowledge based network, where the product is ultimately joining the network there is one flaw to growth; opportunity saturation.
Many of the networks using the modern techniques of "magnetic sponsoring" draw people in with an option of using this technique to increase sales for their existing network or to be the cornerstone of a network as yet not built.
In my opinion, somewhere along the line there has to be a tangible product that can be sold to people who are not, and do not, want to become part of a network.
They are 95% of the population the world over who give value to the word "consumer". They are great people if you have a product to sell, because if you can rattle their chain enough, and by any means, they will exchange their hard earned money for a tangible product. If the product is right they will come back for more and bring friends. None of these people ever thought or want to run a network team.
Knowledge based networks are ulimately sold or transferred by the same like-minded people. Once you have a large team and downline there is comfort in the referral and commission incomes, but there is a law of diminshing returns, as there are less and less people in various networks available to join yours. This is what I mean by "opportunity saturation".
I noticed I was immediately contacted by more active members of AdlandPro. All had a great opportunity to show me. As yet, none have shown any interest in what I have to offer.
I expect this will change, if open minded people read this message and recognise why they are finding it harder and harder to find prospects, but can now see a growth-busting value in moving their network, already in place into a new arena.
The new arena is to embrace a very new network with a great product at its core. The product is very relevant for today's world, it answers questions about using scarce resources, addresses environmental issues and saves consumers money.
My retail experience so far has been, on a good day one in three people buy the product, and even on a bad day one in six. Direct marketers and sophisticated marketing companies would love the have even one hundredth of the worst hit rate for any of their campaigns.
My postion is not to ask you to jump ship and join my network instead of your own. I am not a pirate. I know I said earlier it is difficult to run two networks at once, but I also said where there was conflict over the product being marketed.
You are all in an elevated position and skill level. You understand how network marketing works. You realise it is less to do with shifting product quickly and more to do with building relationships. Why not use the opportunity I am passionate about as a building tool to take your network to another level.
This new level is one with new money not yet tapped by the network marketing teams. it is money in consumers pockets and it is money they are willing to shell out today, for a product that pushes the right buttons for them.
If this interests you, contact me,
Mike Johns-Turner