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Sammy Hale

291 Posts
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IT'S ALL GOOD, and other words of wisdom
1/27/2007 10:25:55 PM

I had previously posted a link to information that will help stop scam artists, but for some reason, the link was tampered with.

I therefore deleted the post.

It is my wish that no one spends hard earned dollars on an internet business, only to find the business was just designed to get your money.

Since that time, I have decided to change gears, and just try to send out helpful information.

Some of it is commercial, most of it is not.

The message below is one of the commercial messages, but it is meant to be helpful.


If your intent is to make or save money online, I hope this helps you.


We’ve both tried to find financial freedom through Network Marketing. We’ve both failed. It’s hard to admit it but it’s certainly true for me. The thing that helps is to know I’m not alone. Do you know that 97% of the people who join an MLM or Network Marketing company fail to create the financial freedom they dream of? Ouch!

You probably know that better than I. Whether you’re part of the 97% or the 3% you’ll want to find out what MY POWER MALL has to offer. It’s not MLM. It’s not an Affiliate Program. It’s something totally new that has been 5 years and $500,000 in the making.

I’m not going to take time to explain it because MY POWER MALL has created some powerful movies and a great website that will do just that. I will tell you it is totally new, totally FREE, very simple, and can be done in conjunction with anything else you are doing to generate financial freedom. I’m not trying to steal you away from your current company if you’re with one. I’m offering you a way to create a multiple stream of income. You could easily be making $4 - 6000 a month, but your income potential is unlimited. Interested? Click the link below! It will only take a few minutes to determine if our FREE program is what you have been looking for. I believe it is! the MAX Get paid for reading emails, $10.00 bonus for signing up! Come visit
Sammy Hale

291 Posts
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Wise Words of the Day
3/22/2007 1:16:33 AM

Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better, is Your JOB Perfect????? Just Build.


The reality is YOU CAN BECOME BETTER, more skilled, more value focused, a better communicator, more disciplined, more scheduled, and so on and so forth. The business is not going to become any easier because we are dealing with people!


Our real product is people. I have heard it said once that man as an individual is very unpredictable; man in the masses is very predictable. Knowing this, you should develop your business around this truth.


Everything is about understanding people, the way they think, and building your systems to stack the odds in your favor. Will every system work perfectly, every time? Of course not! If it did, there would be no money in our type of marketing structure. This business pays for consistent solid, long term performance.


You must understand when you are frustrated; it is nobodys fault but your own. The truth is, that ALL frustration in our business comes from the fact that we cant make people do, that which we want them to do. Or we don’t care for someone in our Upline. Read that statement again!


The only persons actions we can control are our own! We must consistently, daily, weekly and monthly market our product and business model. We cannot control who joins, who doesnt join, who buys or doesnt buy. We just need to focus on stacking the odds in our favor and let the chips fall where they may.

The truth is, you have a number! For you to accomplish what you came into the industry for, there are X number of people you are going to have to expose to our product and opportunity before your reasons become a reality. PERIOD, END OF STORY.IT IS A NUMBERS GAME! You cant control who does or who doesn't the only thing you can control is how many people you are personally exposing on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.


I have heard it said that you must learn to discipline your disappointments. I believe you must learn not to be disappointed by the actions or lack their of, of other human beings. We are all looking for the right people at the right time in their life! The only persons actions we can control is our own! To let other peoples actions steal your peace of mind is ludicrous.


You don't need to learn how to be a better closer, you do need to learn to always ASK FOR THE SALE! But it you close someone in the business will they ever do anything? A person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still NO! You will have to beg them to make their list, encourage them to contact their list, and you will spend a lot of time and energy trying to get people to do something, they don't want to do, in my opinion it is simply not worth it. Your focus and peace of mind is too valuable to be interrupted by non productive people who refuse to take their financial future or their health seriously.


This business is FUN when you are working with people who want it! People do things in life for their reasons, not ours! That is why it is so important for you to help people establish their reasons in the beginning. Until they know why, the how doesn't matter!


I am constantly seeing associates within this industry trying to fight the odds, and common sense. They are constantly looking for the magic fu fu dust that will dramatically and instantly create success in their organization and propel them to the top of their company. Ladies and gentleman, THEIR AINT NO FUFU DUST!,


Success comes from working duplicatable systems that STACK the ODDS in your favor and spend some time daily working towards your goals (reasons)


You must learn to work with the way it is, and not attempting to fight that which cannot be changed.

YES this can be tough that’s why you need a good upline that you can share your good days and your bad days with, NEVER share bad days with YOUR DOWNLINE,only good days the MAX Get paid for reading emails, $10.00 bonus for signing up! Come visit
Re: Wise Words of the Day
4/7/2007 8:02:47 AM
Hello Sammy, Great to see someone giving good advice about all these scams that are going aroung. In Iceland i was scammed out of a lot of money i took this company to court and won. Now it is the supreme court i just wish people would come forward and let the authorities know about such scams, this is why companies can get away with it they know people are too ashamed to come forward. Regards Lesley
Sammy Hale

291 Posts
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Re: Wise Words of the Day
4/12/2007 9:31:50 PM

Good for you, Lesley. Glad to see you stood up to the bad guys!

Watch this movie, really good stuff here. the MAX Get paid for reading emails, $10.00 bonus for signing up! Come visit
Sammy Hale

291 Posts
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Today's Quote
4/16/2007 8:10:58 PM

"Take the attitude of a student; never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new." -
Og Mandino the MAX Get paid for reading emails, $10.00 bonus for signing up! Come visit

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