
Claim A Custom Home that Pays YOU For LIFE ! or Get Yours in about 2.5 yrs or Sooner !
1/22/2007 9:04:44 AM
Gain A Custom Home that Pays YOU For LIFE ! or Get Yours in about 2.5 yrs or Sooner ! Invitation to everybody Really Interested in Becoming Financially FREE!Even if you are Flat Broke We Need Promoters To Bring In Prospect Home buyers That want to gain from 1/2 to 4 % on the sale of new Custom built Homes. Visit Make sure to get 500DurazoMMPoints=$5.00 Dollars Free Bonus at Bottom of Page -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Home built to to Highest Efficiency Standards presently that will save you Thousands of Dollars year in & year out for Life on energy Bills ! How would you like to have a home built that is highly energy efficient, sound resistant, built with recycled materials, and extremely fire resistant, for the same price as a traditional house? How would you like to have a home built that is highly energy efficient, that also resists tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, bullets, fires, is sound resistant and is built with environmentally friendly materials, for just a fraction above a traditional home? How would you like to receive a tax credit for having such a home built? How would you like to be a proud homeowner of your new home and learn how to make money from that home? Don?t just work for your home -- let your home work for you! Beautiful Houses Built BetterPowerhouse Construction Group is the only builder in the United States that can accomplish this task. By using green building techniques we build beautiful homes better. We will show you how to receive the possible tax credits on your new Powerhouse. We will also show you how to take your new home and make money with our company. The request for a Powerhouse is extremely high and building slots are limited. To find out if you qualify for your PowerHouse fill out our estimate form for your free quote and we will contact you to get your building process started.! A Home Highly Energy Efficient A Mold Proof Home A Sound Proof A Termite Proof home A Bullet Proof Home A Safer Home A More Durable home EarthQuake & Hurricane Resistant Home A Home Enviromentally Friendly. Click to see the over 1200 floors plan available if none of them Fit your Needs & or desires Just Give us your plan & we willl build to your taste & or needs ! Join me as Free Member at get details ! ====================================== You can Gain any where from 1/2 % to 5% on Any Home Sold thru your Power House Construction Group Members website . Just Imagine $ Dll Home X 5% =$50.000.00 Your Share just for signing up a Home buyer thru your own Members website No License Required ! The website does the selling ! You will also gain compensations thru 3 additional levels on your paid membership for sales done by your downline members ! The Level of your Compensations will be proportional to your Membership level & your Promotional Efforts 1/2% for free members, 5% for highest paid Level Members ! As A Home Buyer You'll have the Biggest advantage of all members since you will have Living Proof of our Fabulous Custom Homes. Where you automatically Receive a FREE ($150/yr) Promoter website to redirect potential Home Buyers . Once they Buy a Custom home under you Member web Site you'll gain 4% of the home price sold,Plus you'll gain from 3 additional levels from people you enroll under your downline . Which will allow you to Have a Home that pays you for life,There is no Limit on How many homes you can sell thru your website ! Who knows you might even have all your mortgage Payments Done from all the People you refer & even have your Home Paid By It self year in & Year Out Join me as Free Member at get details ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pay out example a Standard average home in USA Costs about $200.000 Dollars X .5%= $1.000.00 Your Compensation as Free Member $200.000 Dollars X 4.0%=$8.000Your Compensation as Promoter Member plus additional compensations in 3 levels from downline under you. We Need Any body Wanting to Gain their Own Custom Built Home Anywhere in the USA in about 2.5 yrs or sooner ! Even If you are Totally Broke ! If you Bring in under your Promoter Website 30Homes Sales in 2.6 Yrs You can Certainly Buy your $200.000 Dollars Home in this time frame $200.000x 4.%=$8.000 X 30 + $200.000 Dollars Thats (1) Referal a Month that buys a Custom Home Just For dIrecting him/her to your own We Need (Realtors) You Can Have an army of " AGENTS " that will never Compete with you after you train them . Where they Install their own Realty Business Right in front of yours after you spent years training them. Join me as Free Member at get details ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We Need More Investors: We got Lease to Own & other programs where you can participate that will allow you to have a never ending stream of recurring Mortgages Join me as Free Member at get details ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We Need Building Contractors & Subcontractors ( Masons,Carpenters,Plumbers,Electricians,Landscapers,Carpet Layers,Paintors & Anybody Involved in the Construcion Of New Homes & Commercial & or Inductrial Buildings. 1.-You can Get Additional Stream Of Contracts From Us Without ever spending a penny in advertising,Contracts that our Legion of Promoting Affiliates are Bringing in to us From All over the USA & the World from people that want their own "A Home that Pays U for Life " 2.- You can Make money on Building Contracts Any where in the USA By Just Refering those Jobs to us. Building Contracts from other locations Nationally in the USA that you are not: Either Capable , Willing or are not cost effective for you to handle Which can be performed by other Licenced Contractors Country wide Join me as Free Member at get details ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We Need Organizations with Multiple Members Profit & Non profit Organizations ,Clubs,Churches,Associations Architects Residential & Commercial Home & Building Designers Join me as Free Member at get details ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- You as a Home Buyer are the best possitioned Income Generator Money Builder for your self ! Since you'll have the Living Proof on our Fabulous Products. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Are you a Home Owner ? Sell your Home & Get your own Custom Powerhouse Home ( A Home that Will Pay You For Life" ) A Very Highly Energy Efficient Several Times More Durable. Termite,Mold,Sound Proof.Several Times More Resistant To Hurricanes & Earthquakes than Any Present Home Available on the Market Today! In One Word a much better home & customized to yo0ur needs & Desires ======================================================= Don't Kow if You Qualify for a New Home or want to know what Prize home you qualify for Goto Got Bad Credit Want to get it Repaired So you can qualify for your dream home go to ============================================= Get Your Free Bonus FREE Electricity for Life ------------------------------------------------ A Free ($19.95 Membership )Certificate & Free Electricity for Life Website Promoter website where you'll gain As many $1.000 Dollar Bills as you like for Signing up New Members under your Downline . ------------------------------------------------------- Once You Sign Up Under Me as free member & once you upgrade For Your Own as Power House Contruction Promoter Member A $150/Year Membership Entitleing you to Gain up to 4% on your Direct Sales & Compensations of 1%,1% & 1/2 % on 3 levels Below you on their Sales of new Custom PowerHouse Homes thru their Own Websites . your Will have your own user name preceding Mine sdurazo You Will Receive A Free For Life FREE ELECTRICITY Certificate That Entitles you For Your Free Electricity for Life Certificate For Installation & Maintenence of a Sundance Generator & Hummingbird Motor That will Provide you FREE ELECTRICITY For Life! Where In Addition of your FREE 26.000 Kw/hr/yr which is your Anual Allotment (more than the average USA Home Usage ) You will get also Paid every year $400.00 for Your Permiting Installation of the Free For Life Generator in your Home. Plus You Also Receive your own Affiliate Website plus To Invite additional People To Sign Up For their own Free Electricity Certificate To Have Free Electricity For Life Them selves ========================================== In Appreciation for your time and attention Claim your 500DurazoMMPoints=$5.00 Free Bonus goto ===================================================== Contact Me thru NewNetMail send icorr to sdurazo Don't Have NewNetMail Yet Get Your Free Account Its Free and there is no No obligation of any kind ! " It's Unique New Totally Private & Fully Encryped an Email Service where you'll Never Ever receive Spam or Viruses ONLY & EXCLUSIBLY who you APPPROVED & No More" once you open web page above At upper tab click on " JOIN tab" to see Memberships available Thank You =====================================================
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