Here are actual amounts of paychecks that George S. received in his first 8 months with Lotto Magic. George also won $500 in the 2005 recruiting contest for bringing in the most new members within 3 months , he's an elderly man in his 80's and did ALL his advertising by direct mail, sending out just 120 pieces of mail per MONTH, that's just 30 per week, 5 per day.
He joined in March 2004.
His first paycheck for May 2004: $154.35
June 2004: $346.10
JUly 2004: $580.20
August 2004: $691.20
September 2004: $926.44
October 2004: $$1,238.56
November 2004: $1,582.04
December 2004: $1,630.95
I also want to mention the winner of the 2006 recruiting contest, Richard K. He joined in early 2005 and his 10 paychecks for that year totalled $10,995.50 He earned $7,893.25 for the first 7 months of 2006 plus $1,000 for winning the recruiting contest last year.
If you haven't taken a good long look at Lotto Magic yet, visit the site and read all the details, call for the FREE booklet or just join online today! Lots of people are doing great with this, without even using internet advertising, George only sent out 30 pieces of mail per week, that's just a little more than $10 worth of postage stamps weekly, and flattened the competition!