Hello all my amazing Angel friends, You know ya all walk very bodly like I have been asking you all, so I know alot of you have been taking my advise and are now starting to Advertise your Presence and Marketing your Identity. LaNell and Patrica B and Linda Harvey your doing amazing job with advertising your Presence. Any ways now that you are learning all this, Come out into the other parts of the internet, set by example show everyone how you are confident women and men. Come to Bizpreneur and Path connect and advertise your selves.Market that new Identity you have with your Jerky Direct and other businesses. Tell them you are associated with the most powerful networker Kathy Hamilton. I am now a paid staff member at BizPreneur, tell them all your my friends.
Come see all my new friends they can be all your new friends to.
ladies.lets have a jerky party over there,I will help set it up for you, just let me know. Kathy Hamilton/simikathy.com Ill get the places ready for you