Hello Everyone.. Please feel free to watch this 1 hour 29 minute movie presentation on the Secret- the Law of Attraction.. It will change your Life..One thing I caution you about.. They have some weird ideas about G-d... Just eat the fish, but throw the bones out... In other words take the Useable Information and Knowledge and toss out the Pride and Haughty spiritual ideals.. There is only One G-d... There was only one man that lived as G-d.. Thats Jesus.. No body is G-d but G-d himself...What we focus on and feel good about and visualize , thats what we attract into our lives, thats what materializes into our Lives.. If we focus on negative things and negative circumstances then we attract more of that into our lives.. Enjoy the Movie.. Its awesome..http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1378889669Carl~~~
The Link takes a couple minutes to load and boot up and it is on myspace so patience is a virtue.. Thanks all..