
Cary Mason

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Lots of FREE Advertising Ideas that Work!
1/17/2007 2:05:09 PM

I am always looking for new Free Advertising ideas

When I find something that works, I add it to my web site.  Please look at what I've found success with.  If you have something you'd like me to try, please email me and I will consider it to add it to my site.



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Re: Lots of FREE Advertising Ideas that Work!
1/18/2007 2:01:47 PM
Hello Cary Please look at this site might intereste you Join the most rewarding business you will ever see! Free to Join Great Business I have been in this program 4 days and already have 37 people in my downline earn $500-1,000 week Legit Company no fees free Listed in the BBB you have nothing to lose check it out No Obligation whatsoever
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Cary Mason

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Re: Lots of FREE Advertising Ideas that Work!
1/18/2007 2:40:38 PM

Thanks 1romeo, I will look into your offer to see how it works and if I should add it to my site.  I hope that we will be able to network together.  It would be great if you can use some of my free advertising sites to promote your new venture!  I look forward to working with you.


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Tim Southernwood

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Re: Lots of FREE Advertising Ideas that Work!
1/18/2007 2:59:27 PM

That's really kewl Cary.
I went to your site and saw some of the advertising I use as well.
(let me give you a little tip - keep an eye out for a post coming from me with regards to advertising or new sites)

Best regards,

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
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Cary Mason

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Re: Lots of FREE Advertising Ideas that Work!
1/19/2007 4:45:36 PM

Thanks so much Tim!  I will look for your new advertising sites! 

I just added a new site yesterday that was referred to me from someone here at Adland.  I was so pleased that I added it right away!  Please take a look at my webstie at the Bizpreneur program.  It is similar to Adland, but you can never have too much networking, am I right?


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