
[[NOTICE]] This works ... try it free
1/16/2007 6:16:39 AM
Today you will gain access to training that will
take anyone from a novice to a professional Internet
Marketer in 30 days flat...

You may have already heard about it.  You
may be already using it.  You may be reaping
the benefits...
But I wanted to make sure and spread the word
about a great FREE resource.
30 days from now you can be transformed into
a professional Internet Marketer.
I will repeat that:
30 days from now you can be transformed into
a professional Internet Marketer.
All you have to do to achieve this is follow
the Internet Marketing Success Guide.
A program called Pay it Forward 4 Profits has
created the Internet Marketing Success Guide to
train its members to duplicate the success of
the creators of the system.
It is an excellent roadmap to success and it
is FREE.  All you are required to do is
join Pay it Forward 4 Profits; and that also
costs nothing and comes with no strings
You can join here:

Once you are a member, all you do is log into
your members area, click on Marketing, Click on
Success Guide, and then follow the directions
to access the Internet Marketing Success Guide.
Here are the topics that it covers:
Day 1 - Get to know your new website

Day 2 - Upgrade Your Autoresponder & Get To Know
How it Works to Make Automatic Sales For You!

Day 3 - Set up your FREE Traffic Accounts & Start
Earning Traffic Credits!

Day 4 - Tell Your Friends, Family & Everyone You
Can About Your Website

Day 5 - Setup Your Sig File, Get Involved and
Make at Least 5 New Posts Today

Day 6 - Get Instant Access To Over 100 Million
People In Less Than 10 Minutes With Google Adwords

DAY 7 - Unleash Your Residual Income Profits!

Day 8 - Newspaper Classified Ads

Day 9 - Fill Your Autoresponder And Start Earning
Automatic Email Profits

Day 10 - Get Your Own Article Written And
Published All Over The Net To Earn Automatic
Lifetime Income

Day 11 - Launch Your Own Blog And Attract Free
Traffic And Profits For Life

Day 12 - Use Ezine Solo Ads To Pull In Big
Auto-Pilot Email Profits

Day 13 - Expand your Forum Presence & Create
More Sig Files

Day 14 - Start Your Linking Campaign & Drive
An Unstoppable Flood Of FREE Traffic To Your

Day 15 - Start Placing Free Pay-Per-Click

Day 16 - Place Over 200 Million Ads Online
Instantly for FREE

Day 17 - Stop Learning and Start Doing!!

Day 18 - Schedule Your Weekly Ezine Solo Ads!

Day 19 - Expand Your Google AdWords Campaign!

Day 20 - Continue Growing Your Opt-In Email

Day 21 - Maintain Your Productive Habits
And this just scratches the surface when it
comes to all of the training that is available
in your Pay it Forward 4 Profits Members Area.
Really there is no reason that you should not
succeed.  Just follow the guide.  It really is
that simple...

Until Next Time--Keep Moving Forward...
Charlie Goldie
Yahoo Messenger: jogger19492000

Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.
C. S. Lewis

**ONLY LOSERS PAY FOR LEADS** Discover how average people with no marketing backgrounds are getting prospects to pay them....NEVER PAY FOR TRAFFIC AGAIN!!!
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