Hi Kathy,
Yes, I agree, you must take the time to post on as many forums as possible. I have seen it over and over again as the key to success. Give of your time and knowledge and you will build a respectful following, so there is an art to posting, and you have it mastered.
I learned this a long time ago, in fact, I was on of the first moderators on AOL when it started. I owe much of my online and offline success to the internet, so don't overlook this valuable tool called forums. The more you post helpful information, the more success you will realize, so take the time, it will be worth it over time.
I am moderator on several forums and member of dozens, and when I track my sites hits, it is conclusive a large percentage come from forums like this. It is the best free means of advertising and networking, so don't overlook it.
Good luck to all, Mike