Hello seekers, where are you?
My name is Laila Falck, I am an artist and a sculptor from Sweden. I believe in the" Unity of mankind", in the Unity of God. "God is one". I believe that" all the religions agree", that the golden rule is right in place in all the worlds religions, though formulated in various ways, saying the same thing. I am a Baha'i since many years and have found this truth through it's true tolerance of other religions. I I would very much like to see if anybody here has heared about this Faith by Baha'u'lláh (1817 -1892) The latest but not the last of founders of independent religions, based on divine revelation. And talk with me. You can find this Faith at www.Bahai.org
Now to the headline or topic
I firmly believe that it is most important for the credibility of religion that their followers fully admit that science can prove many things that will benefit man, promote peace and the flowering of civilization, culture and wellbeing, even though it seems contradictory to what is said traditionally in holy scripts.
One of the most important things is to be open to see how religion and science in fact are in harmony. How long shall we stand the two paralel stories about the creation of man and earth. Bahai stands for the concept PROGRESSIVE RELIGION . It is good to know about this. It allows me to say the following:.
Man, in the form of homo sapiens began his long journey up through time already about 195 000 years ago, in Ethiophia. There is a scull at Musee de l'Homme in Paris showing an ancient fossilised scull of an early African person, that old. There are since a long time undeniable well functioning instruments that proves the age of very ancient material, all sorts. Pollenanalys, C14 methods, dendrology and others. I I am just now making a row of small figures for a museum nearby who will have an exhibition about the evolution of man. So I am to show how old prehuman beings have taken steps physically through the ages towards the appearance he has today. Apelike beings first,on two legs. Head more or less as the apes, legs and body just like ours.A Swedish archelogist has put forward fashinating theories how some of these early hominides even could have been speaking a rudimentary language .The condition , he says, is the ability to walk on two legs and how the head sits on the spine. Straight up head, not hanging forward. It frees the organs,in the oral area allowing the producing of sounds while breathing out. Remains of many manlike races, dozens, have been found during the last 40 - 50 years. Do you know about Lucy, found by Donald Johansson. I am going to "make her",I think I read she is more than a million years old. Now there is only one race homo sapiens. "Mankind is one" (Bahaullah) Science has proved He was right proclaiming this long time before we had developed the todays' instruments that could prove it. This will make the rasists keep quiete. You see whaty I mean. We are all bleached Africans Wow. I have a great increased feeling of having come home to mankind.
Bahai Faith says.:: "Man has always been man, but he has not always looked like he does today". He has developed until he reached the present perfection.
I personally believe that "The Image of God" is meant as the souls spiritual Image hidden inside. This is my absolutely personal view. Then maybe that Image won't be there in man until the age of perfection which Christ is talking about. I just want to show that my thinking is free. Nobody has to believe me. But it satisfies me to think like this.
A new faith will help men to reach perfection inside anyway. Older beliefs are right in their Essens, God is the loving Creator who gives love and compassion,and insight.Social prescriptions, which also are part of religion must be changing I believe, according to the age in which people live and suit his maturing towards better understanding. and ability to stretch his mind in every field of knowledge. God is teaching us like a teacher at school, knowledge amasses as time goes by step by step. I love this.
The faith in God is dying out everywhere, mainly because of the seeming contradiction between science and religion. This process has been going on for a long time. Now religion is regarded as superstitious by more and more people. And they become atheists for very good reasons. And they must be respected for their withdrawals, using the free will God has given them, because of the obvious traits of superstition that religiosity displays at many places.
I have yet more to say. But who would answer me? You, reading this? Thank you. I am a kind person, I want to be honestly looking for truth in all. And I seek happiness. I have found it in the Bahai Faith.
Here is a translation from Swedish: The lifeforce in mens faith in God is dying out in every country, this said by Baha'u'lláh, already in the 1850 or 60 ies. See the real English quote in some of the books this Website will guide you to (to get): www.Bahai.org
For the sake of unification of people I suggest you also, who are interested, ponder upon this quote by Bahaullahs son Abdu'l-Baha., who was listened to at great halls even in America!!! in the years around world war 1;
"If religion is the cause of enmity..., if it splits people apart, then it... would be better to be without religion, and to withdraw from such a religion would be regarded as an act of piety". An atheist would certainly say "an act of logic and intelligence."And stop there.
As a Bahai I'd say this is divine justice as well.
"Gods greatest gift to mankind is the intellect." Bahaullah " Love your God with all your heart, your soul and your understanding "it is said in the Old Testament.
The US has indeed showed itself to be a country of great contrasts. You have the money to make research in the scientific fields like no other country. I have carefully followed what has been said by American scientists on TV following the giving out the Nobel Prize La