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Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Making your business ingenuously rock solid!
1/9/2007 4:22:39 AM

What Do You Get When You Join FREE1UP

Free1up reached already 25.000 members in about 15-20 days!

Free1up has climbed to the top 15.000 top websites according to!

A rock solid conception!

1. The “AD-System”
The Ad System helps you promote products or any business you are involved in
It is an excellent tool to promote any opportunity.
How the Ad-System works?
The Ad system shows you hour by hour, day by day what the most effective advertising sources are.
Do a search for advertising on Google. You will get about 500,000 sources.

How do you know which one works?
It will be almost impossible to evaluate all of them.
On the contrary, Ad-System will show you what the best advertising sources are at all times, minute by minute. This is a huge advantage!
If you are promoting something you will get guaranteed results on your advertising dollars. You don't want to waste your money. You want to get results.
That is why Richard Morris invented this system. Firstly: To help you promote your business effectively.

Giving you that extra degree that makes it!


2) Sales executive. Soon you will have sales executive who will answer questions and close your pre-enrolees.

3) We have a follow up system that will follow up for you 24/7

4) We have a private messenger for you. You can email your entire team

5) Richard does 3 conference calls and web-casts every week

6) Mega-promotion is still running. For a limited time, you will get $1000 in leads weekly to help you towards your success

7) Payment is sent directly to you. Richard doesn't handle your money.

8) There will be a phase B. When phase B kicks in, you will receive $500 per referral. if you brought in 100 people, you will then receive $50,000!

9) There are 3 business plans available on the website. Basics, moderate and fast. This is a guideline that will help you to stay on target.

I hope this will help you to soar financially throughout 2007 with your own business thanks to Free1Up.



Best and friendly regards Robert.




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