For The Kids...
Q: What does a bee get at McDonalds?
A: A humburger!
Q: What buzzes, is black and yellow and goes along the bottom of the sea?
A: A bee in a submarine!
Q: What's more dangerous than being with a fool?
A: Fooling with a bee!
Q: What did the spider say to the bee?
A: Your honey or your life!
Q: Who is a bee's favorite painter?
A: Pablo Beecasso!
Q: What did the bee say to the other bee in summer?
A: Swarm here isn't it!
Q: What is a bee's favorite classical music composer?
A: Bee-thoven!
Q: Who writes books for little bees?
A: Bee-trix Potter!
Q: Where do bees go on holiday?
A: Stingapore!
Q: What do you call a bee who's had a spell put on him?
A: He's bee-witched!
Q: What looks like half a cat?
A: The other half!
Q: What was the name of the film about a killer lion that swam underwater?
A: 'Claws.'
Q: If a four-legged animal is a quadruped and a two-legged animal is a biped, What's a tiger?
A: A stri-ped!
Q: What do you get if you cross a tiger with a sheep?
A: A stripey sweater!
Q: How does a lion greet the other animals in the field?
A: 'Pleased to eat you.'!
Q: What do you get if you cross a tiger with a snowman?
A: Frostbite!
Q: What did the lions say to his cubs when he taught them to hunt?
A: 'Don't go over the road till you see the zebra crossing.'
Q: What is lion's favorite food?
A: Baked beings!