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I Joined This Program. I Made Nearly $1000.00 This Week ...
1/6/2007 12:56:10 AM
You see it over and over ... thousands being made. There is half truth in this kind of advertising and you really need to read hard what they are saying.

In this excerpt from a promotion they are promoting for memberships. They state they made so much money.

I'll give you the example of what I mean.

... this community,I am going to promote it so hard there not going to know what hit them.You see For every person that signs up you get a dollar for each person,oh my gosh, those dollars add up very fast if you just promote ...

have nothing to loose,   except you not getting paid for  promoting this site. You know I keep telling everyone to Advertise your presence and Market your Identity. I have made almost $1,000 dollars this last week. you need to get on board and let me teach you along ...

Here is where they are not saying where the 'almost $1,000 dollars is coming from. They may truely have made that this week but from what all did it come from.

First, after checking the offer and memberships on the site this person is real new and the stats from the site contradict the claim above. It still doesn't mean they didn't make $1000.00. It just wasn't from here.

For that site in the ad to pay $1000 to that member they would need 1000 members signed up this week. This doesn't match the stats from the site.

This ad isn't really a lie that we know of. This is considered cross facts at best. Worse? I won't say ...

Just know the source and the person.

What? you asked what I made this week? I'm not sure. Haven't tallied all the different sources yet. Job Corp, Band, BBC, BB, AdlandPro, ID It!, Cody Moya, ... you get the picture.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

p.s. always do due diligence into any program before you join them.
Re: I Joined This Program. I Made Nearly $1000.00 This Week ...
1/6/2007 4:49:30 PM
Hi Ken,
I agree with everything you've said. Another important thing:
Even if someone's income claims are true, what they don't tell you is how they promoted a program.
In my experience, most newbies don't know how to promote anything, so even if they joined a program that was giving away gold, they would fail.
While there are some good reasons not to give away your promotion sources (it could become oversaturated and stop working), I'll bet the reason most people are successful at any program that offers something valuable is because of their promotion methods.
Donna Knight
Read Brutally Honest Reviews of Internet Marketing Products. No advertising. Just real opinions. Check it out!
Re: I Joined This Program. I Made Nearly $1000.00 This Week ...
1/7/2007 10:46:03 AM
Claims are the stuff that require proof to back them up. On the internet is no exception. While a lot of us are here to make money, you must in all sincerity give a program the once-over and check it out. My adage is before I pull my money out and spend it, what am I paying for? What value am I receiving for what I am spending? Common sense and due diligence go hand in hand.
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Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: I Joined This Program. I Made Nearly $1000.00 This Week ...
1/7/2007 6:26:48 PM

Hello Kenneth,

                    yes you are right on matey,$1000.00 is an awesome weeks efforts but the cost involved in making this would be somewhat small in my website I am in most of the ones you are in however I made only $125.20 this week I spent out about $100.00 in advertising costs and other time online all takes its toll.

I am making better money now with more security given the facts I just spent over $1000.00 on new Intel Pentium D with Vista and Areo upgrades.Awesome ability this new PC with total security in place makes me even more determined to catch up with you my good Networking mentor Kenneth Sword Jr


jeffrey OBrien



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