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Alexa ranking ... Can It Account For Something?
1/4/2007 2:08:48 PM
I thought I would do some checking at Alexa on a few companies and said "i'll check Bizzy Blogz Community while I'm here."

Geez, did I get a surprise!

Traffic Rank for What's This?

Today1 wk. Avg.3 mos. Avg.3 mos. Change
22,399 39,910 174,447up 531,595


Reach for What's This?

Reach per million users:

Today1 wk. Avg.3 mos. Avg.3 mos. Change
25 14.5 4.8up 405%

Page Views for What's This?

Page Views per user:
Today1 wk. Avg.3 mos. Avg.3 mos. Change
23.0 15.4 13.6up 162%

Since we have been around for a year this doesn't seem like much to some but we really just started to promote the site a whole lot more.

A little more info:

Site Stats for

  • Traffic Rank for  139,083 (up531,595)

  • Speed:  Average (55% of sites are faster), Avg Load Time: 2.4 Seconds What's This?

  • Other sites that link to this site:  16

  • Online Since:  01-Dec-2005

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Nan Herring

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Re: Alexa ranking ... Can It Account For Something?
1/4/2007 8:43:10 PM
that is very exciting.
Re: Alexa ranking ... Can It Account For Something?
1/6/2007 5:50:52 PM
I think 139,000 is good. The exciting part is the ranking today at 32,000. Because if you can keep up the traffic level, 32,000 is what you're headed for.
I've found that the hardest part is keeping up an Alexa ranking. Keep it up though. I'm a member and I'll certainly try to help.
Donna Knight
Read Brutally Honest Reviews of Internet Marketing Products. No advertising. Just real opinions. Check it out!
Carla Carey

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Re: Alexa ranking ... Can It Account For Something?
1/6/2007 5:53:23 PM
Dear Kenneth,
Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Alexa ranking ... Can It Account For Something?
1/6/2007 6:38:32 PM
I'm glad we all helped by visiting Bizzy Blogz!  I took a look at it, I'll get back and be a part of it!

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