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Welcome To My Environmental and Political Forum.
12/28/2006 3:08:12 AM
Greetings: Hopefully, some of you will decide to join and participate here. First, I am not here to earn money (though if that happens, not going to complain), but to network with those concerned about our environment, global warming and wrong sighted politics. I am first an artist, second an activist, and thirdly a blogger...I currently write and publish 14 blogs, some of them far more frequently than others. I worked deligently to see a long shot get elected too Congress (John Hall) and write quite a bit about his career as I intend to hold him to his promises. I also am trying to close down a Nuclear Plant (Indian Point) and have several blogs dedicated to this issue. I hope to see this forum become a vibrant place of friendly debate, as well as a space where environmentalist and activists can find help in their cause. Sometimes, just a few links from cause friendly folks can make a huge difference in getting out the message. If in the process I can in some fashion help out a few of you with banners or the like, or in getting your own blog up and running, let me know. Royce Penstinger
Keep the spirt of a child alive in your heart, and you can still spy the shadow of a unicorn when walking through the woods.
Allyson Lier

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Re: Welcome To My Environmental and Political Forum.
1/2/2007 2:48:04 PM
Hello Royce,

Sounds to me as if you are a 'systems buster' like me! 
I have participated in political activism myself, now I am working at things from a different angle.  ;)
I just recently opened a Care2 account, I have not been very active there but maybe we could be each other first friends?  :)
Here's my link, if you like.

As far as thoughts go, I am beginning to think the global warming thins is a scam/slam and we don't want it thank you ma'am kind of deal.
Post your thoughts in a new threadon this subject and I will show you what I have learned,
you can chose to believe it or not from there.  ;)

Re: Welcome To My Environmental and Political Forum.
1/2/2007 7:02:28 PM

Hi Ally....

hmmmm...first attempt did not make it up.  Anyway, just returned from a great time out of town for the New Year...two days of gourmet treats with friends in Upstate New York, and serious shopping on the way home.

Global warming is real...what is NOT REAL, or TOO REAL, is that the DOE, NRC and the Nuclear Industry seem intent on selling America on Nuclear as the GREAT SAVIOR.  The utility industry created a big portion of the problem with their coal burning systems, while mismanaging and bungling the entire dawn of the Nuclear Age, now they want a DO a GOOGLE search for NuStart.

It's ugly.  Let me take a look at your site.

Keep the spirt of a child alive in your heart, and you can still spy the shadow of a unicorn when walking through the woods.