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Jean Marie

199 Posts
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For God so loved the world.....
12/25/2006 9:20:09 AM
Merry Christmas
For God so loved the world, that he gave His only Son, so that whoever believed in Him shall have life eternal...

In every language around the world, the meaning is the same.

Para el dios amó tan el mundo, de que que él dio a su solamente hijo, de modo que quienquiera creído en él tenga vida eterna.....

Pour Dieu a ainsi aimé le monde, celui qu'il a donné son seulement fils, de sorte que celui qui cru en lui ait la vie éternelle.....

Für Gott liebte so die Welt, die, die er seinen nur Sohn gab, damit whoever geglaubt an ihn das ewige Leben hat.....

Для бога так полюбил мир, то, котор он дал его только сынка, так НОП whoever, котор верят в ем будет иметь жизнь вечную.....

Per il dio così amava il mondo, quello che ha dato il suo soltanto figlio, di modo che chiunque creduto in lui avrà vita eterna.....
為上帝如此被愛世界, 那他給了他唯一兒子, 以便誰被相信他將有生活永恆
What a wonderful gift to mankind, and how glorious 2007 would be if all shared that love with each other! May your Christmas be filled with love, faith, hope and joy.... and may your New Year bring you even more!


JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"

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