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Sergey Lyangasov

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Elena Petrenko advances!
6/20/2005 2:40:43 PM
Hi, Look what successes has achieved Elena! She has already created the forum. Let's support her successes! Sergey
Marilyn L Martin

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Re: Elena Petrenko advances!
6/20/2005 9:25:08 PM
HI Sergey, Thanks for inviting me to your forum! That is a great achievement for both of you! Great job and keep up the good work! Good Luck and much success! Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
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Lisa Lomas

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Re: Elena Petrenko advances!
6/20/2005 9:31:18 PM
Great One Sergey, Thanks for keeping me posted. I am working on a linking site as we speak hope to get back to forum soon as I beleive I cannot save the world by myself but with adlandpro, well there's possibilities kindest regards Lisa Lomas
Thinking of visiting New Zealand. A must see is Hawkes Bay, Hastings.
Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: Elena Petrenko advances!
6/21/2005 12:26:47 AM
Hi sergey, all my efforts to help her were returned NOT delivered,the software I purchased has been donated to my local Childrens school,if Linda can email me we will try again. email I am willing to still assist so please contact her as soon as you can Have a wonderful Day. regards jeffrey OBrien 114374 38 of 16,230 registered users online.: gtinney2004, 1globalfone, 224443, 228965, 236303, 247004, 267642, 71803, John9033, zeus8894, fagancol, 235965, robertcoaster, simikathy, 268961, 120305, NMBusiness4U, MDRogers, 114374, 271643, bk72852, soozieque, free2b, BrotherGump, 170828, mark11, littleredmoran, sanivel, 273866, webb12446, nyx713, TNCGifts, KazzaW, 284754, Chezzie34, 285150, 284548, majesticlion 114374
Re: Elena Petrenko advances!
6/21/2005 10:54:51 AM
Hi Sergey, I am very pleased to hear that Elena is doing so well, but please let us keep to the facts. Everyone in En101 is getting this nice educational mail from the President. Here is mine. It actually starts like this: Hello everyone! I have been asked "How do I grow my business?" Today I'll try and answer that question. First let me say that this is NOT about recruiting an army of people and placing them on your front line. We have made our compensation plan work if you only find TWO. That's right just two. That's why it's called a Binary plan or a "2 by 2" plan. Now it is true that you will need to ask people some questions in order to find out who wants to make some changes in their life, not everyone does. Of those that do few are willing to take the necessary action which is why so few make it to the top. It is well known that success leaves clues. Writing down goals, breaking it down into bite sized pieces & making daily action plans are three important ones. Have you made a list of the people who can help you achieve your goals? No? This is so important. If you haven't, do it now before you read any more. OK, now take this list and put a mark next to those who love, trust or respect you. Tell them you have come across something that is different, something that if they will listen to you has the potential to help them and you. Use the PowerPoint presentation as a guide. Remember people will look at through a WIIFM filter. (WIIFM = What's In It For Me.) So ask them questions, find out what it is that they want. It has been said a million times that "it is by helping others get what they want that you'll get what you want." Also remember that the MAJORITY of people who WILL join you in your business will say NO the first time you ask. Try to understand that it is not you they are saying 'NO' to but the opportunity you offer. There are many reasons for this, the time is not right, they have too much on their plate. They may not have a current need. It is very new to them and they may need more information. Perhaps they need to talk to someone already doing it. Get the person who introduced you to help. Maybe they know you too well, you've tried these things before and it has never worked for you. As your business grows report to them, share your success. Report to us so we can feature you in the next newsletter. Many companies have researched this phenomena and come up with the magic number "7". Ask and you shall receive is a fundamental law. I am sure you have heard it before but you must ask intelligently and often. I'd suggest 7 times. Prepare 7 different approaches. Contact the person on day 1, follow up on day 3, 5, 7, 10, 13 and 17. You will find the majority enroll between to 5 & 10 day. Day three need only be a simply request "Do you have any questions?' If the initial contact was by email did they receive the email? ALWAYS follow up an email with a phone call. The $$'s are in the follow up. A few "No's" in the early days are enough to discourage anyone especially if this is your first attempt at business or a networking business. A "Yes" on the other hand will do you a power of good. Remember what you have in your hands. We are serious about creating the BEST online language e-learning environment in the world. You can confidently approach anyone with this. We even have a Minister for Education looking at introducing En101 into their 4,600 learning centers. I said earlier that all you need is to introduce TWO and help them do the SAME. Let's look at an example of everyone finding just two a month for 12 months. Could you do that? It's called the Power of LEVERAGE and works like this:- First show En101 to your personal contacts. Use the PowerPoint presentation. Show then some examples from the Education course. If they are English speaking show them the Spanish learning lesson so that they get an idea of the learning process. Ask if they like what they see. Tell them that when they join they too will be empowered to show others. Here is the result Month 1 you find 2 people. Total 3 people. Month 2 all 3 find 2 people Total 6 people. Month 3 all 6 find 2 people. Total 12 people. Month 4 all 12 find 2 people. Total 24 people. Month 5 all 24 find 2 people. Total 48 people. Month 6 all 48 find 2 people. Total 96 people. Month 7 all 96 find 2 people. Total 192 people. Month 8 all 192 find 2 people. Total 384 people. Month 9 all 384 find 2 people. Total 768 people. Month10 all 768 find 2 people. Total 1536 people. Month 11 all 1536 find 2 people. Total 3072 people. Month 12 all 3072 find 2 people. Total 6149 people. Looks good on paper but we all know that it doesn't happen like that in the real world. Here we have something called Pareto's Principal. The 80:20 rule. For example, 80% of the land in Italy is owned by 20% of the people. 20% of your sales force produces 80% of your company revenues. 80% of commissions are earned by 20% of the representatives. I am sure you could think of many more. That being the case then let's says only 20% of the 6149 people actually joined. In other words 8 out of 10 turned down the EN101 opportunity. So after 12 months of work we only have 1230 people in our team. Now let's say these people work an average of 1 hour a day. OUR working day in effect now 1230 hours long. That's LEAVERAGE! Now lets say only 20% have someone join their team AT THIS TIME OF ASKING. That is 246 sign ups per day. That ladies and gentlemen is just about the number we record enrolling each day but not after 12 months just 4! That's 3 times better than the Law of averages would suggest. You deserve a pat on the back for your efforts! So to recap> How do you build your En101 business? By planning to do what ever it takes to introduce it to two people a month and help them do the same. Don't worry that most will do nothing or very little. The area at the top of the mountain is small but the views are fantastic!. As Zig Ziglar would say 'See you at the top!" Best regards, Paul Mandelt President,
Take Care and Enjoy Your Day! Coralie

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