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Hey Gang! We've fed 25 children so far!
11/29/2006 4:34:13 PM

This is really cool that you can track your results.

Sort of like you own personal angel telling you the difference you make in the world!

I ordered extra posters as stocking stuffers. They really are beautiful!

What a great way to teach your own children about giving....

Thanks you guys. Keep it up!


Hey Hey! We're up to 35 smiling Children who won't be hungry for one more day
11/29/2006 5:08:36 PM

Thanks to you wonderful people!

We're feeding more and more children by the hour!

Log in, pass it on, make a difference~!

It really will be a Wonderful Life for these little hungry ones!



Day 2 and we've already fed 56 children! Yay!
11/30/2006 1:04:58 PM

Y'all are super duper awesome!

I think we at Adland can get this up to 300 by the 33 day!  What do y'all say?  You up for the challenge?

Copy and paste the message below from Dr. Joe Vitale into your email browser and send to all of your contacts!


Would You Like To Help me Feed 3 Million American
Children In 33 Days......For Just One Dollar?

If you're in a hurry, just click here to "watch"
the story:

Sound impossible?

It's the dream of a woman named Spryte Loriano.
She watched a movie you may also have seen ~ The
Secret ~ and was inspired to create something that would
make a massive difference in the world, and turn the
impossible, possible: Feed 3 million children in 33 days. As
soon as I heard her inspiring story, I wanted to help. And I
knew that others would too.

The program is simple, and it offers great rewards. Those
who donate only $1 will have access to many great movies,
e-Books, posters and more--for free. In addition, you'll
have the opportunity to watch your offering grow right
before your eyes as you spread the word! I could go on and
on, but Spryte's inspiring flash movie explains it all. Go
see it at:

Gifts To You include a Growing List of E-Books, Mp3's,
Pass-Along Movies, and Specials from Today's Best Human
Development & Peak Performance Leaders

Here's a Sampling of Contributors:

Robert G. Allen

Michelle Blood

T. Harv Eker

Arielle Ford

Jon Gordon

Mark Victor Hansen

Freddie Ravel

James Arthur Ray

James Twyman

Alexandra Watson

Spiritual Cinema

"The Secret," and many, many more

I'm sharing her dream as a gift of inspiration to you - and
the world - during the holiday season. The "33 Days" begins
today - November 29th! Join me in creating a miracle this
holiday season.. Just click here:
Go for it!



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