Hi Friends ,
Here's one to get you laughing!
A man walks into a bar, looks around, then heads straight to a
booth in the corner where there sits the only other customer in
the bar. "May I buy you a drink?" he asks. "Of course! Sit
down" the man answers. They order and begin drinking.
The first man says "I couldn't help noticin' your accent? Where
are ye from?" "Ireland," the other customer replies. "Well,
I'll be! I'm from Ireland too! Let's drink to that!" And they
both drink.
Then the man asks, "Where in Ireland, if I might ask?"
"Dublin," the other man responds.
"Begorrah!" the first man exclaims. "I'm from Dublin myself!
Let's drink to that!" And they both drink.
"Now you've got me curiosity up," the first man says. "Where did
you go to high school?"
"St. Mary's," the second man said. "I graduated in '62."
"That's incredible! I graduated from St. Mary's in '62 as well!
Let's drink to that!" And they both drink.
Another customer walks into the bar, heads to the counter and
asks the bartender, "What's up, Bob?"
"Not much," the bartender replies. "Except that the O'Riley
twins are drunk again."
Thanks Leanne Busby
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