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Kathy Hamilton

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How many prospects do you have in your funnel now who are stalling?
11/27/2006 8:08:56 AM
Hello my friends, Heres some helpful tips. Kathy/ How many prospects do you have in your funnel now who are stalling? How many excuses for not buying have you accepted during the past thirty days? How often do you think your prospects lie to you about why they are not really buying? There are many other questions I could ask you but I would rather focus on the solution than the problem although they are closely related. How frequently do you hear things like: -The price is too high. -We need to think this proposal over. -We are happy with our current supplier -It is too much trouble to change this at this time. -We have been doing business with the same company for years. -We are too busy now to discuss this. This list is endless. Sales resistance is a function of a variety of causes in the sales process. Some of them are: -Poor prospect qualification. -Poor timing. -Hidden agendas on the part of the prospect. -Lack of trust. -Lack of respect. -Lack of understanding by the prospect in some aspect of your sales message. -Lack of acceptance of your sales message. When a prospect knows or admits it to him or herself what they are missing and more importantly that there is, in fact, a better way - something more for them - they want a way to get your product or service. When a prospect gives you sales objections or sales resistance, one of the above issues is most likely the case. However, he or she might not tell you their real reason. There is, what I call in the sales process, a truth line. Prospects often tell you what is above the line, hiding the real truth below the line. For example: The prospect says, ?The price is too high.? What else could they really be saying? What is below the truth line? ?I don?t have the money or credit.? ?You haven?t convinced me it is worth the price you are asking.? (perceived value). ?I don?t have the authority to make a decision , but I don?t want to admit that.? Stir them up with questions and get the prospect to tell you where it hurts and in so doing feels and experiences the pain again to which you have the cure. Step inside your prospect's head. There is more to sales resistance than meets the eye. One technique I have used, when I get sales resistance, is to ask the prospect a question when I get any type of objection. ?In addition to that, is there anything else that would get in the way of our doing business together now?? The rationale for this question is: I am accepting their objection as real for them. I am not challenging it. But, I am asking ? what else is there that might be getting in the way? If there is nothing else, they will either admit that there isn?t, or make one up. In either case, I am further below the truth line. If the prospect admits there isn?t, I am now closer to closing the sale ? presuming I can effectively deal with this issue. The key to disarming sales resistance is to identify early in the sales process what the potential areas of concern are for the prospect and then weaving your answers into the sales process as you move forward. Tim Conners
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Tom Sparrow

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Re: How many prospects do you have in your funnel now who are stalling?
11/27/2006 8:50:37 AM
In my situation: The key is to get past wishey washey people to those who are serious about either Health or Weath or BOTH!!! All of these techniques are great, but the real key is finding people that care about something you have to offer! It doesn't matter how good you are on the phone, if they are not interested, you will end up either wasting your time with them! The BEST way to call people that are supposed prospects is to find out right away what matters to them and NOT what matters to you! Then you can laser focus on their needs provided you have something to offer them based on this! If not, you need to move on....Tom
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
The Drummerboy

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Re: How many prospects do you have in your funnel now who are stalling?
11/27/2006 11:57:10 AM

Hi Kathy!  :-)

Sometimes........the biggest fish are also the toughest to catch!  It's not that they can't make a decision.....there is obviously something that is holding them back.  There is something somewhere that they aren't getting.

Maybe they just aren't really interested?  Some people just can't say no. 

But then again.....sometimes, by asking the right can draw out what is holding them back.  Sometimes, the toughest prospects to catch - end up being the best recruiters!

My top recruiter took me 6 months to land.  He wanted to know EVERYTHING!  He over-analyzed EVERYTHING!  Drove me nuts wiuth all the phone calls/emails!  But I'll tell you what.......he is an enrolling machine!  And his people stay!

Thanks for sharing this ispiring information!

Have a great Monday!  :-)

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Donald Rich

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Re: How many prospects do you have in your funnel now who are stalling?
11/27/2006 1:08:49 PM

HI Kathy, building trust, I believe is most important.

Ann Williamson

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Re: How many prospects do you have in your funnel now who are stalling?
11/27/2006 1:23:11 PM

I agree trust is key. You have to build trust. After all, you are asking them to invest their $$$ with you. What do you have to offer them that is unique and different than the next person? What can you do for them? Show them how you can help them. This will build trust. Lead by example!

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Ann Williamson

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