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Flag of Felicia Harris

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* *Add * * 10 - 100 New Customers/Distributors Monthly!
11/13/2006 11:29:56 PM
Hello again!
I just learned about a new training resource that shows you how to add 10-100 new customers or distributors into your organization monthly. Everyone who is on my profit4you team will be receiving the information about this new marketing resource before the end of the week.
If you aren't a member of my profit4you training success team it's not too late!
* * * You can learn how to get sign-ups. I had several years of frustration trying to learn how to make real money in a work from home business, then I learned from those who were achieving what I wanted to experience and now I have gotten hundreds of sign-ups the last couple of years and this project will educate you in all of the methods I have used successfully and you'll also learn about additional methods and resources as well as I find out about them.

* * * As my team member you'll receive a profile questionnaire that will allow me to get a picture of what your background is, your current situation and future goals. Based on that I'll give you my personal feedback evaluation and advice based on the information I receive from you.

* * * My Profit4you Team follow-up report will share how to avoid the pitfalls, obstacles and mistakes that stop many from earning real money working from home. Most of the people trying to make money working from home, don't even make $300 a month. If you're happy just earning a few dollars, this project isn't designed for you. I've created this training project for those who consider working from home a real, serious business rather than a hobby. If you are interested in making hundreds or thousands a month working from home this training project has been created for you. Just one idea that you implement could end up being worth hundreds or thousands to you.

* * * Before the month is over, I'll be sharing various suggestions with all team members on ideas to create multiple income streams working from home, including one industry that paid myself and some of my referrals thousands in less than a year. One 27 year old guy is even earning $40,000 a month from this industry. Even if you know how to get sign-ups and have made thousands working from home, just being a part of a success team that will join several programs together could make this well worth your while because every member of my team will either know how to get sign-ups or will be in the process of getting trained in how to really make money working from home. Imagine a motivated team joining several programs to create additional income streams working together!

+ + + + If you want information on my background here a couple of ways to learn more about me.

Just click on my name link that is right above my picture. Then check out the program that is featured on my profile page. Take a free tour and check out the top 100 Leaders board. You'll see out of thousands of members I'm listed on the top 100 leaders board, so I do know how to get sign-ups. And this is just one of the projects I'm working with.

For those who are interested in learning more about my personal back ground my Bio was featured in Adland when I was voted Adland person of the week earlier this fall. Here is the Link.

The cost to get my personal feedback evaluation and my Profit4you Team training report is only $20. However you can basically receive my service for free. If you join as a member on the following website the cost is only $20 and that will cover the cost for my training success project. You'll have all the program benefits and my Profit4you Team training resource for just $20. This website has numerous training resources that will you in building and marketing your various programs. Included in the membership benefits are leads, resources that will show you places where you can network and place your ads, advertising/marketing training, ideas & resources, and training on how to write profitable ads, But it doesn't matter rather you want to utilize the benefits that come with this website. The website itself has nothing to do with my Profit4you Team success training project, it's just the way I have chosen to receive the payment for my service and to be able to give you double for your $20! Even if you have no interest in earning money with their compensation plan and products and you don't want to take advantage of the numerous members benefits, you are still allowed to upgrade for only $20 so that you can become a part of my Profit4you Success Team training project.

If you want to learn how to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that stop most from earning serious money working from home, if you have a program you need help and training with in getting sign-ups, if you need to learn how to find the easiest programs to make money in or if you would like to be a part of an active team that creates various income streams working together, then this project will benefit you.  And I'll also keep you up to date on additional resources as I learn about them.
If even one of these features appeals to you, my Success Training project called Profit4you Team, will be a worthwhile training project for you.
For only $20 you'll receive my Profit4you Team benefits this month, regardless to rather you utilize the program featured on the website or not. If you think that your business future is worth a $20 investment, here is the link for the program that will put you on my Profit4you Team.

I love working from home, it's fun making thousands working from home and it's always a wonderful thrill to be able to help others to make money working from home. 
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Re: * *Add * * 10 - 100 New Customers/Distributors Monthly!
11/14/2006 3:01:39 AM
I've noticed that you do alot of posting in the  forums
has this helped you in your business?

Also I took a look at your website at adland I was wondering how did you get the different colors of text and the links to appear?

All I can manage is plain text.
BUD D Hall "We were Born with Wings to Fly Why Prefer to Crawl" the invisibles
Flag of Felicia Harris

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Re: * *Add * * 10 - 100 New Customers/Distributors Monthly!
11/14/2006 12:32:38 PM
Hello Bud. Thanks for visiting my forum.
I've earned thousands from networking in Adland but it's because I try to choose programs and systems that really work and when you're making money people are excited to join you so they can duplicate your results.
I have a link at the top of any email or post that I write that lets me use different colors. You'll need to contact Adland support about why you don't have the same.
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Flag of Beth Binkley

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Re: * *Add * * 10 - 100 New Customers/Distributors Monthly!
12/5/2006 9:54:49 AM

Hi Felicia,

You have been busy! :) You're forums are as wonderful as ever.

Best Wishes,


Flag of Felicia Harris

Flag of 2109 Posts
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Re: * *Add * * 10 - 100 New Customers/Distributors Monthly!
12/5/2006 1:02:35 PM
Hi Beth!
Thanks for visiting my forum and what a nice thing to say! Have a good one!
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~


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