
Money...Free until the 20th (November)
11/13/2006 7:00:06 PM

I would like to share an email with you..

An online friend sent me this two days ago...


 I have made 20 bucks already with this in a little over 24 hours.

  The great part is the free gold membership gives you a 1000 banner hits, advertising and a bunch of tools to promote whatever .
  Here is his email to me..The Gold accounts will be 50 bucks on the hurry!)

Just wanted to run something ne-w by you that a friend
has told me about. Looks like a nice idea.

I got an early jump and can give away fr-ee
Gold accounts till Nov 20.

This has some nice ideas and will be off and
running on the 20 th. 2 x 20 matrix.
Looks like you could make some nice bucks he-re.

Might want to sign up fr-ee and get a gold

This could turn out to be a good mon-ey maker
and if nothing else, you can ad-vertise your
own pro-grams he-re.

Wanted my friends to kn-ow early.

Of course I put my own URL's in there..LOL
  I've also got a new website up and I am doing well with my own newsletter...If you have any good stuff to share let me know..and if I don't sign up for it myself I will feature it on my website at...
John Baker
Stufrsumpn Company
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Re: Money...Free until the 20th (November)
11/19/2006 7:09:05 AM
Stufrsumpn Company has a New Safelist....In order to build a membership in it we have decided to give away
Our Ultimate Four package...
We have reseller rights to this 4 website suite and we usually sell it for $29.00, but we are going to give it to the first 500 People who respond to this ad and sign up.
This Package is not junk, and you don't have to download it...You get a rotator, Your own website that you will build yourself for any purpose you want..Free hosting for life..and a bunch of great promotional tools
 to use to promote your own business.
  As soon as you sign up for our Safelist, just click on the URL where it says "here is your free gift" and sign up for the Ultimate Four package..It is yours FREE for life!
  Visit our safelist Now and claim your free gift!
John and Midge Baker
Stufrsumpn Company
Stufrsumpn Company's Home Business Opportunities;
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Re: Money...Free until the 20th (November) Writers Club
11/19/2006 5:58:43 PM

Jacqueline Lichtenberg (the Sime-gen series) has accepted an Honorary Membership, and is willing to actively help the Club.
Go to any of the following for more info:

I registered the domain, and will soon have a website to promote the Club, as well as an associated forum.
Midge Baker
Home Page:


PS..Update on e-downline...we have now made over 75.00 in less than a week for free....deadline is monday for free gold!

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