I've created a new blog, and admittingly I am a newbie, but I think the blog goes hand in hand with this particular forum:
My blog can be found at : http://crazydavesmarketingblog.blogspot.com
I've run into some other things that might be useful to the motivated marketer.
First of all a networking site that has a rather attractive affiliate package:
A marketing suite that would work with just about any business in the world, has free and upgraded versions, built-in affiliate programs
and if you're doing affiliate marketing I don't know why you haven't plugged into this yet: http://davidreedy.payitforward4profits.com
If you're looking for some list building help, (especially for G.D.I marketers) check out http://www.hits2u.com/?284914
Now, back to the matter of motivation. There, i've given you some tools, maybe none of them are applicable to you, but this place is chalk full of great people, and resources everywhere. If you have the will, you will succeed!
David A. Reedy... trypsoul3@yahoo.com