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Bogdan Fiedur

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See luck when it is with you....
6/10/2005 10:28:52 AM
"See luck when it is with you; and act responsibly when it is not." – Von Clausewitz
Re: See luck when it is with you....
6/10/2005 10:36:22 AM
Hi Bogdon, Thank you for the invitation. I w'll try.
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Thomas West

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Re: See luck when it is with you....
6/10/2005 11:08:07 AM
Wow, this one made me think... The key to this quote is in the definition of the word "responsibly." When we take responsibility for something or someone, we accept a duty unto ourselves. Parents are responsible for their children's mental and physical well-being and as they gradually grow, the parents' role in that responsibility changes. There is one thing that every one of us is personally responsible for that no one else can take care of for us, and that is... Our own happiness. When a person finds their calling in life, when a person discovers what they are passionate about and what makes them "feel good," they think thoughts that attract more of what they feel good about to themselves. And other people often respond to it by saying, "Oh man, Bogdan is SOOOOO lucky! Look, he's a millionaire! He has a thriving business! Everything is going his way! I wish I had that! I'll never have the kind of luck HE's had!" But the truth is, Bogdan found his calling, attracted more of what made him feel good, and created his own luck. So, back to the quote: "See luck when it is with you" means allow yourself to be happy, and give thanks to the universe when good luck is attracted to you. "act responsibly when it is not" means that when luck is not with you and everything is going wrong, it is your own thinking and actions that drew those outcomes to you. Great quote, Bogdan. Anyone interested in learning more about how to attract luck to yourself is invited to get on the free "coaches corner" mastermind call this Saturday night at 10:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (US). Contact me for details here in Adland, or email me at Make it a great day (literally),
Lisa Reddell

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Re: See luck when it is with you....
6/10/2005 11:43:17 AM
Thanks for the invitation to this forum Bogdan. Very thought provoking indeed. Lisa :`)
Lisa Reddell :`)
Do you love candles?
Re: See luck when it is with you....
6/10/2005 1:02:52 PM
“When Luck is with you everything is going right for, things are working o.k., your winning.” But in life you have your “UP’S and DOWN’S.” Hopefully more “UP’S than DOWNS.” Bad luck can often be prevented by Good Management and Planning. The saying: • “ Don’t push your LUCK.” • “ Bad LUCK comes in THREE’S?” • “ Being in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME.” • “According to the LAW of AVERAGES.” • In gambling “DON’T FOLLOW a LOOSING RUN.” • When your “LUCKY NUMBER COMES UP.” • “YOUR LUCK RUNS OUT.” When LUCK is not with you must act responsibly, analyse what is causing your BAD LUCK, this can often be prevented by good management, personal control and organised planning. If in life everything was good luck it would be nice but could be very boring. A persons strength can be attained that after a run of bad luck the person recovers, picks them self up again and carries on. Your destiny is in your hands, it’s up to you to act and plan, if you do not, life will probable continue for you as it is, and that for many people is depressing. You can change that all, you can turn you life around preventing bad luck by good management and planning. Look for opportunities when they arrive grab them and take action to better your life, and those around you. A great deal of people say “ I wish I had done that.” But when they had the opportunity they did not take it. But the person who by persistence and determination acts and takes opportunities will win more than they lose and will benefit in the end. Wishing you good luck (Planning and organisation.) and together with Good Fortune. “LIFE’S WHAT YOU MAKE IT.” Bryan Webb - United Kingdom. **************************************# EARN and LEARN at: JOIN US to BUILD a BETTER UNIVERSE "How would you feel if you knew for sure that you were entering the most successful time of your life?" "FERRARI" FLASH PRESENTATION: **************************************#

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