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James Wright

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Fundamental Belief Number 18 - The Gift of Prophecy
10/17/2006 11:03:32 PM

This lady spoken of below (Ellen G. White) has a very colorful history. She has written hundreds of books. The amazing part of this story is, that God was able to use a woman with a third grade education to help win souls to Christ.

Other denominations have individuals who are spokespersons, so to speak, for their church. Do you have one in your church?

18. The Gift of Prophecy:
One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested in the ministry of Ellen. G. White . As the Lord's messenger, her writings are a continuing and authoritative source of truth which provide for the church comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction. They also make clear that the Bible is the standard by which all teaching and experience must be tested. (Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:14-21; Heb. 1:1-3; Rev. 12:17; 19:10.)

Geketa Holman

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 18 - The Gift of Prophecy
10/17/2006 11:34:30 PM


Interesting subject material. I have said it before and shall again G-d uses willing vessels.  HE never looks at color  or gender he just has a job he needs done and fills it with those that will heed HIS call . I believe that is one of the reasons women are standing in positions in the church that were meant for men to hold, because the men in that particular church were unwilling to step up to bat.

Yes,  we have the seat of a prophet in our home congregation, however he is tested according to scripture. What he says must come to pass and be in alignment with scripture. I personally don't recall the man missing a beat as he has been right in what he has said thus far. We are big spirit testers in our congregation.



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James Wright

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 18 - The Gift of Prophecy
10/17/2006 11:37:36 PM
Geketa, may I ask his name? I'm just wondering if I have heard of him.
Re: Fundamental Belief Number 18 - The Gift of Prophecy
10/18/2006 9:07:01 AM

I am not aware of any spokespersons for my denomination.  But, we all are part of the body of Christ and therefore given the gift of speaking through Him.  We, too, rely on the Bible for guidance and the test of truth.  What disturbs me these recent days is how works of fiction are taken as Biblical truth.  One must be very careful not to fall into this trap and realize these novels that abound are just that...fiction, fantasy.  It's like they are rewriting the Gospels and re-inventing Jesus.  The best we can do is study the Bible and separate the truth from the fiction.


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James Wright

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 18 - The Gift of Prophecy
10/18/2006 10:22:46 AM

Hi Kate, you hit the nail on the head! The Bible always overrides what other humans may input. The woman I am speaking of above I believe was inspired by the Holy Spirit in her writings. Have you heard of a book called "The Great Controversy?" She is the author.
