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Real home business - Real Money
Real home business - Real Money
10/17/2006 10:59:27 AM
I would like to share a business opportunity that Al and I just entered into.
This is not the usual way to introduce a friend to this business - usually we would sit down with them. But because of the distance that will not be possible - so I felt that this is the only way I would be able to share this exciting opportunity with you. I am sure you will be just as excited as I am about this and don't want you to miss out.
Please stay with me - read the whole message
Then visit the URL at the bottom of this email for more information.
To begin with, this is NOT an investment BUT a business!
The money you put in is used for advertising, SO it is 100% right off for your home business.
You can only enter this company as an Associate by entering the Ad Program.
And you can ONLY put in $100 or $500
Of which you will receive 20% PLUS your original payment back within the year.
How is that done?
First let us assume you enter the Ad Program with $100. They know they will pay you $120 over the year.
So they take that $120 divide it by 2 = $60
That $60 is divided up over the next 12 months giving you $5 per month.
The other $60 is given to you in one check at the end of the year.
After you have entered the Ad Program you can more more money to your original money for more money back.
As a member of the Ad Program you have a few responsibilities:
1) You are responsible to listen once a month to the CEO's weekly conference call for updates. This is Sunday at 9 PM.
2) You are responsible to purchase a product a month valuing 20 CV. Replace product you are already purchasing.
3) When you signed up, you received FREE product - you can give this product away or keep it.
If you give it away, record the person's name and address in your back office of your website. Then if they become a potential customer you will receive the 10% commission from their purchases.
OK, now I have explained a couple of ways you can make money with this.
1) By entering the Ad Program making 20% of YOUR money.
2) By customer purchases you make 10% [now do not concentrate on this - you do not have to sell product]
Let's go to the way you can make some really big money... by sharing this opportunity with others.
When you sign someone else up, the company gives you 10% of their level to you. So if they come the Ad Program with $100, the company gives you $10 per month. Then if they expand their position by $1000, the company gives you $100 per month.
Now multiply that out.
It gets even better!!
Say that person you signed up, signs up someone else.
If they come into the Ad Program with $100, the company gives you $10 - yes $10 a month.
If they expand their position by $1000, the company gives you $100 per month.
Now you can only collect as deep as you are wide.
Have I got your interest yet??
For more information check out this website
Thank you for your time
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