
Who is Ambassador John Sanchez?

Ambassador John Sanchez

Ambassador John Sanchez
Member SinceSunday, March 13, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, May 28, 2013
LocationCeres, California, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

Hello Everyone!

Here's the Bio that I used on my POTY forum:

My name is John Sanchez and I was born in Tijuana, Mexico. I’ve been in the United States since I was 6 months old and I’m a US citizen. My Dad was born in Sonora, California and my Mom was born in Zacatecas, Mexico. My Dad met my Mom in Mexico so that’s why I was born there. I’ve lived in California all this time. I graduated from Patterson high school in Patterson, California and I attended two years of Jr. College in Modesto, California. I also attended and graduated from Pacific Technical Institute as a Computer and Copier Technician. I’ve worked for the Del Monte Corporation for 33 years and I’m currently a supervisor there.

What else have I’ve been up to? Well, I’m a Independent Marketing Executive for Melaleuca which I am very excited about. I am making a residual income with them that will last a life time. I am sure that with Melaleuca I will be able to retire early from Del Monte. If you want to see a video presentaion first stop by my site at http://www.MySuccessTree.Net/JohnSanchez or

As far as family, I have a son and a daughter, Trevor and Holly and I also have the most awesome grandson you could ask for. His name is Ulises and he is just the sweetest kid in the world. He loves his Papa (me). And his Papa loves him too. I’ve been single for about six years now.

I was a devout Christian for about 16 years but my divorce some how weaken my faith and I stopped attending church. I recently started getting back too my Christian roots and it has changed my life again. I’m much happier and content in my life now than I’ve been the past five years.

I’ve been a member of AdlandPro since March 14, 2005 and my time here has been most enjoyable. I have made so many awesome friends here. I’m doing at AdlandPro what I most like to do and that’s to help people. There’s nothing more rewarding than the thanks you get when you’ve helped someone with a problem they had. In the past 10 months I was placed on the <>Team and I was bestowed the title of Goodwill Ambassador by Bogdan Fiedur (CEO of AdlandPro). Since I’ve been here at AdlandPro I’ve created several projects that some of the new members might not be familiar with so I will post them here (your participation in these projects is appreciated):

- The Happy Place forum and blog: Partners: Craftie Linda, Lisa “Lee Lu” Westberry, Ana Maria Padurean, and Judy Woodson

- The Birthday’s of the Week forum and blog: Partners: Kathy Martin and Kenneth Sword (Ken created the Blog).

- The Welcome Wagon forum and blog: Partners: Marilyn Ali, Dennis Clairmont, and Judy Woodson.

- The Feature of the Week aka Person of the Week forum: Partners: Former partner Kathy Martin, current partner LaNell.

- Link Deposit Blog: Partners: Several Partners.

I would now like to thank Bogdan for the kindness he has shown me and for the great opportunities he has provided us with here at AdlandPro. In my book Bogdan is the Person of the Year, if it weren’t for him creating AdlandPro we wouldn’t be here. Bogdan is continuously looking for ways to improve Adland, so we should all thank him for the hard work he puts into making this a better community for us. I would also like to thank LaNell my partner at the POTW forum who has helped me a lot since she joined the community. LaNell is an awesome friend whom I can always count on for help as well as my other partners, Marilyn, Kathy, Ken, Dennis, Judy, Ana Maria, Linda and Lisa. Thanks to all of you I’ve been able to do more here at Adland because of your help. Last but not least, I would like to thank all of you who voted for me and those of you who have supported me since I’ve been here. You are truly the best group of people I’ve ever known. I love you all! Thanks!


John Sanchez

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Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (6/7/2016 1:41:02 PM) : Happiness is one's mind over matter. One's mind being the individual, living among the living ... Matter is infinite from the point of an individual ... beyond Earth into the cosmos ... by Jan aka Jaz
Ralph White - (1/25/2016 8:35:33 AM) : "QUOTE OF THE DAY" Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no ti
Steve Shearer - (7/27/2012 2:08:42 PM) : Hey John, looks like no recent comments here. You do Facebook?
Ralph White - (11/17/2011 9:04:27 AM) : Have A Great Day
Ambassador John Sanchez - (1/21/2011 3:21:50 PM) : Thanks everyone for the warm welcome back! Have a great weekend!
Mark Gibson - (1/20/2011 9:27:19 PM) : Hey John, Thanks for accepting my friendship here at ALP. As a free gift you can join TCA for free at
La Nell ! - (1/14/2011 12:45:10 AM) : John,you have been a great friend. Hugs,LaNell
Agnes Kivuvani - (1/13/2011 10:05:05 PM) : Welcome back is nice to see you again John.
Joyce Parker Hyde - (1/11/2011 5:18:52 PM) : Hi John, it's so good to see you again.
James Mckenzie - (10/24/2010 2:15:35 AM) : Hello John, Just stopping by to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope this the best ever on your special day. James


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