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Moderation no longer needed
10/12/2006 5:52:59 PM

I see that three of my friends posted a message on my forum, subject to moderation.  for some reason Adland and/or my server is not allowing me access to moderate or accept the recent posts.

I apologize for that.  I would like to hear from each of my friends.  For those of you whose recent posts were subject to moderation, I would like encourage you to resubmit your posts.   I changed my forum so that it is open to all and no longer requires moderation. 

Thank you for your understanding

Charles Robinson

Re: Moderation no longer needed
10/13/2006 12:02:22 AM

Dear Friends

Well it seems that whatever the problem was earlier with my not being able to "moderate" the recent posts has been resolved.  All of your posts have now been added to the appropriate forum.  AdlandPro can sometimes be quite annoying.

Thanks you all for patience and kind words.



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