
4 business opportunities!!
10/12/2006 1:10:11 AM
1) Acaiplus:  The only Nutritional Liquid Drink that contains tha acai berry and much much more.  This company will pay you to give our their bottles to others for free.  You do not have to sponsor anyone to make money in this business, it's a 3X4 matrix and it works really well.  It's still in PRE-LAUNCH so don't miss this opportunity.  You can get the first month free and get a free bottle of this product.  If you don't want to join, that's okay too.  You can go to my site to look around, get your drink for free, and/or sign up.  Check it out:

2)  Vortex Marketing Group is in PRE-LAUNCH also, I have 4 vouchers that I can factor 4 people in for free.  This group is focused on building a list and using this list to help you in any business you are a part of.  You get free leads, free autoresponder, already written emails, advertisements, your own website, free training classess, etc.  And your own page selling their products to make more money.  Visit my site now to get in for free:

3) Success University - Thisis an awesome business to help you personally and financially grow.  It isn't about selling any product, but about people helping others to achieve their dreams which will help you achieve your dreams.  This business offers unlimited amounts of courses to take about being successful financially and in all aspects of your life.  This BUSINESS HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!  Check it out:

4)  ProWealth Solutions - Another awesome business opportunity.  You can earn multpile streams where you can earn income and you don't have to sponsor anyone to make money either.  If you do sponsor you'll make money, but you can make money this way or the many other ways they provide.  Plus you are in a big matrix where everyone profits and gets paid.  I recently joined this business:

Thank you guys for letting me post, I'm new to this and I'm looking at all of your ideas and websites and will try some of these.  Wondeful information here.  I love this site. I just joined yesterday! Look forward to chatting more.  Thanks
Michelle Tompkins
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