I am giving every woman I know the recomendation to read "what every woman should know about menopause" by Dr. John R. Lee. He explains about menopause and how women get some cancers and what to do to avoid them.
My heart aches for women who have gone through cancer. I get angry when I know it is being cured on a regular basis but not in the medical community.
My cousin recently was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went to her doctor and right away w/o a biopsy, he told her she had cancer. She was devistated. She decided however to get a second opinion for a natural source. She was told from this source that it was a caffeine encapsulation. She was told to take swedish bitters and CoQ10 for thirty days. In the mean time it was biopsied and it was not cancerous. Her doctor said the first test could not have been wrong, she still needed chemo. What she was doing had shrunk the lump by 30% but he still said she needed it removed and chemo. Even when they took it out they knew it did not have cancer but they gave her chemo anyway!
There are women who are hurting and dying who do not have to go through this.
There are wonderful doctors and nurses that are following the estabishment that would never do chemo or have a loved one do it.
I have a Pastor's wife who recently died of cancer. Her nurse was a breast cancer survivor. She had a total mastectomy but refused the chemo. She has never had a problem.
I know everyone has different stories, I know I will get riduculed for my opinion. I have to tell you that I know a person who sees this stuff all the time and they are helping these people get a cure w/o chemo.