
Hardin Monie'

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A letter from A Dead Man
10/6/2006 2:11:44 PM
This is an article written by a dead man after he realise he was dead. It was written to all those who are still alive to themselves. If you want to be delivered from you, read on. If you want to be mortified instead of edified, read on. If you think the way up is down, read on. For all those who are still hiding themselves from themselves, less at the sight of themselves they sickned themselves. I urge you to change your name to Mr./Mrs. Pride and your address to 123 Destruction Ave. Going Nowhere,? 00000 Have you ever seen a dead man angry? Have you ever heard a dead man complain? Have you ever heard a dead man say, "I can't do this?" Have you ever seen a dead man put himself first? ***************************************** Are you more concern about yourself than others? Then you haven't died yet. Are you more concern about making money than making friends? Then you haven't died yet. Are you more concern about getting what you want then helping others get what they want? Then you haven't died yet. Do you get angry when your dowline don't produce or order for the month? Then you haven't died yet. Are you spending more time on your MLM than your FAMILY? Then you haven't died yet. Are you offering a product than a solution? Then you haven't died yet. Are you working on being rich than being better? Then you haven't died yet. Is your favorite holiday your birthday? Then you haven't died yet. If you ask the mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all Will it repy Me, Myself, and I? Then you have'nt died yet. ***** I wrote this because I'm dead. You are reading this because maybe you are dying.***** I keep my friends rather they join my program or not. Because I'm dead to my feelings. I don't jump on every new hot deal that comes along. Because I'm dead to my impulses. I own things, but things don't own me. Because I'm dead to my possession. Put others first and myself last. Because I'm dead to pride. Except a seed fall into the ground and die, it abide alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. Have you died yet? To all who read this, may your ego rest in peace. Sincerely yours, Hardin A dead man
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