What happens when a fly falls into a cup of coffee from the points of view of a Brit, an American, a Chinese, a Scot, an Israeli and a Palestinian. The Brit: - Throws out the coffee and leaves. American - Takes out the fly and drinks the coffee.
Chinese - Eats the fly and throws out the coffee. Scot - Drinks the coffee with the fly since it's a free extra. Israeli - Sells the coffee to the American and the fly to the Chinese and buys himself a new cup of coffee. Palestinian - Blames the Israeli for violence against him and for throwing the fly into his coffee, requests aid from the UN, takes a loan from the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee and, instead, uses the money to purchase explosives. Then he blows up the coffee shop where the Englishman, the American, the Chinese and the Japanese were trying to explain to the Israeli that he's too aggressive!