Hi There! My name is Tanya, and I reside in Southern California. I have several hobbies which include crafting, beading, crochet, sewing (which I haven't done in a very long time), computers, and web page building. Above all of this is my devotion to my family. I have a wonderful husband of 30 years, and we have 2 beautiful daughters, 2 son-in-laws, and 3 grandsons.
Hubby and I enjoy getting out at least once a week to do some country line dancing. It provides a great opportunity for fun, socializing, and a bit of exercise. Our youngest daughter joins us, and is an excellent dancer!
My crafting web site, Tanya's Bead 'n Craft, has been a lot of fun and work to develop. Traffic has been steadily growing. Yeah!!
I look forward to making new friends and having an opportunity to learn from all of you, as well as share my knowledge with all of you. Although I am not interested in MLM's or any get rich quick schemes, I am interested in networking with others engaged in small craft businesses, and who do crafts privately.
Take a moment to poke around my site, and by all means, leave me some feedback. Both positive and constructive are welcome.
Best of success to all of you!
Tanya =)
Check out my Canon Rebel photo slideshow!