Forgiveness And Its Freedom
Forgiveness is a compassionate journey that supports a willingness to forgive. When we forgive, we circumvent a situation that could become unbearable. Forgiveness empowers us to eliminate anger and resentment, allowing enormous amounts of positive energy to literally change our mental and physical well being to dispose of stress, nervousness, restlessness, sadness, anger or any associated trauma.
Forgiveness is essential and possible under all circumstances regardless of how much we hurt. We have the power to free ourselves and others of any interpersonal guilt. Commit to forgive and the gifts of freedom and empowerment will lead towards a positive future with others. For this to occur it is necessary for us to let go of our identity as victims and prisoners of destructive energy.
All forgiveness is self forgiveness.
Without forgiveness there is no future.
Not to forgive is to be imprisoned by the past.
Forgiveness is reclaiming power over your life.
If you hate anyone you are disliking a part of yourself.
As we give the gift of forgiveness we ourselves are healed.
Compassion And Spiritual Oneness With The Source
Compassion is empowerment to help others discover a community of hope, forgiveness and love. Are you able to enter into the mind and heart of another, to share their sorrow, to know them from within? If you are able to enter, you are able to champion love not only in others but in yourself. Once compassion is engaged, sociological prisons and there damaging effects begin to vanish, leaving a sense of real identity and satisfaction within the embrace of love for all parties involved.
Compassion creates a much deeper spiritual engagement that directs us towards an increased spiritual freedom. A freedom and sense of goodness that begins to expand our vision, sense of direction, insight and self-confidence to generate more energy, good health, joy of being and love of life.
Everyone has the power to create an atmosphere of compassion - an atmosphere where love, grace, integrity, wisdom, joyfulness and generosity flourish - where acceptance and harmony become truth. Embrace all life with compassion and you will see a reflection of the true spirit of humanity. A spirit that imparts vitality to our minds and hearts, making all things beautiful.
Compassion is deep and constantly expanding. Reflect upon this and you will gain a deeper understanding and spiritual awareness of your true identity and oneness with the source.
Compassion is the basis of morality.
Compassion is the embodiment of emotional maturity.
It is a human's compassion that truly makes one human.
Definition Of Compassion
The humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it.
Kathy Hamilton(MARTIN)