
Share and Grow Wealthier
9/28/2006 7:51:33 AM


In the ancient China, Sun Zhi art of war was practiced by the business men in their business life.

They were taught to share in order to gather more wealth. Give yourself a taught, this princip happens in our daily life. For example by sharing your knowledge and skill with your team-member will grow their business and that will then help you to grow your own business. Take a group of company with several subsiadiary for example. When the subsidiary grow, the main group will also grow!

It is basically the same for online business. If you are think BIG, you aim for a big group of team. You must share your knowledge and skill with the whole group if you want your online business to grow.

Nowadays, running a business online is much easier since there are company that willing to provide complete infra and facility for partners globally. Some of the common facilities provided such as auto-responder, templete, newsletter, database, testimonial, etc.

All this is only available from

a company that promote financial freedom as the core of their domain business.



Kevin T.


Kevin T. Build your financial freedom at
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