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My Goal ... To Give Away Over $1,000,000.00 In Advertising Memberships
9/26/2006 5:33:59 PM
My Goal ... To Give Away Over $1,000,000.00 In Advertising Memberships...

... and I need your help to do it.

My Mistake Becomes Your Benefit

Oh boy, have I done it now!

I created another way for everyone to advertise. BUT ...

I MADE A BIG MISTAKE and YOU get to benefit from it.

I was setting up the pay levels and monthly banner purchase area and all was looking good. I double checked my work and saved it. Once saved you can't change it.

Well, I GOOFED BIG TIME. Anyone can join, but, not as a free member or a Silver member or a Gold member. You can join as a Platinum Member for FREE! (A $240.00 value).

I was going to destroy the whole thing. Then I said no, there are people that can use the help. And now my goal is to give away over ONE MILLION DOLLARS in Advertising Memberships! So far I have given away $25,440.00 in memberships.

Here's my deal to you.

After you join, and I know you will, you will need to share this with others just like I am sharing with you. Get your friends to join for free as well. The more we help others the more we help ourselves.

Click Here for more information.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

P.S. Remember, all I ask is spread the word about this. "Share The Wealth".

Click here to find out more about me on Google.
Re: My Goal ... To Give Away Over $1,000,000.00 In Advertising Memberships
9/26/2006 6:01:03 PM
I am now at $26,160.00 given away.

I will be out for several hours this evening to teach music to the 'kids' at Job Corps so do not panic about the Platinum Level. I set it manually and send you a confirmation email. So when I get back I'll be setting them all up and sending out your confirms.

Remember to pass this to all you know and thank you for helping others as I hope to help you.


Click Here for more information.
Sam Spoo

105 Posts
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Re: My Goal ... To Give Away Over $1,000,000.00 In Advertising Memberships
9/26/2006 6:23:39 PM


I want to congratulate you on your "ingenious" marketing effort here. A brilliant idea! I'm confident you will make your goal!



Regards and good fortune, Sam Sam Spoo
Re: My Goal ... To Give Away Over $1,000,000.00 In Advertising Memberships
9/26/2006 6:26:54 PM
Thank you Sam.

I'll have new banners ready later tonight for this effort.

Now to go teach the kids music for a few hours.

Phillip Black

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Re: My Goal ... To Give Away Over $1,000,000.00 In Advertising Memberships
9/26/2006 7:50:48 PM

Hi Kenneth,

Sounds like a WIN/WIN Situation to me.  System works great, and the more we invite, the more you give away, and the more we can mail to.

Thanks for sharing.

Phil Black

“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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