About Me
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About Me
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Some Of My Particulars
I was born on Sept. 17, 1939 in Spartanburg, SC. However, I was only born there. I am actually formerly from Manning, SC. It was pretty much my home for 40 years of my life. I went off to New Orleans, LA, when I was 40 years old, to attend Seminary. I became a Southern Baptist Minister afterwards and pastored several churches in southern Illinois. I now own a home in Mount Pleasant, IL. I have lived here over 10 years. This home place encompasses 6.6 Acres. My wife(Penny) and I enjoy living here very much. Penny is a Reg. Nurse an works at The Anna Veterans Home. She has worked in nursing homes pretty much all of here nursing career. She is a great nurse. As for me, I am retired now. In my retirement, I pursue many interest. Mainly though I sit in front of this computer promoting my SeoSquid business. SeoSquid is a wonderful program that makes it easy to generate prospects for any business. These prospects belong exclusively to members. The lead gathering system is supported by the tools that come with the system. All the tools needed to practice Internet Marketing for any business. I am a very easy person to get along with. I like to converse with people I meet promoting our company. We have some very wonderful friends that have come on board with SeoSquid and my two Traffic Exchanges, TheFive5Friends and Magnum5Traffic.
Jimmy F. Wilson 755 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Buncombe, IL 62912-3304 Telephone: 618-697-1687 Email: jimmyfwilson@jimmyfwilson.org Yahoo Messenger: jimmyfwilson2000@yahoo.com MSN Messenger: jimmy_f_wilson@hotmail.com http://www.seosquid.com/index.php?id=JimmyFWilson http://magnum5traffic.com/?r=58010 http://www.magnum5traffic.biz/?ref=1
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Ancestry, Family, Friends, Religion, Learning, Politics, Psychology, Science, Self-Development, Teaching, Male Health, Vitamins, Cooking, Writing, Philosophy, Blogs, Computers, Hardware, Internet, Wireless, VOIP, Gardening, Nature, Hiking, Dogs, Horses, Football, Basketball
Industries: Affiliates, Direct Selling, E-Business, Marketing, Bizopp, Friends, Religion, Learning, Politics, Psychology, Science, Self-Development, Teaching, Male Health, Vitamins, Cooking, Writing, Philosophy, Blogs, Computers, Hardware, Internet, Wireless, Software, VOIP