Top 10 Mama Sutra Confessions
Mama Sutra (ma'ma soo-tra) Your so-called love life when you become a mother.
1 I once blurted out, Barney! by mistake - in bed.
2 Booty call means searching for my toddler's lost boots.
3 "Doing taxes" is our code word in case the kids see it on the calendar.
4 My lingerie is older than my children.
5 I get turned on by the school principal.
6 In my house, cleaning up the kids' toys counts as "getting in the mood".
7 I prefer sleep over sex. If I can do both at the same time, it's multi-tasking.
8 A romantic date means sharing a juice box while paying the bills.
9 My husband rushed home when I bought a new "toy" for our playtime.
10 My love life is R-rated: Rare and Rapid.