Once Upon a Time, the world was just a little bit different. There was a Magical City within a Magnificent City. Its name was the World Trade Center. Very young children hear stories of this City and imagine what it must have been like.
I dedicate this article to the families, and most of all, the children of those that lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
To you, husbands, wives and children, of those who gave their lives on this day, I say first and foremost I am so very sorry. Now, I will tell you of how I admire you, yes, you husbands, wives and children. You watched as your loved ones were stolen from you. You watched as your lives were shattered by outside sources that you could not control. This day is yours and solely yours.
And to the most special of all, the babies born that never knew their fathers. You are the most special of all. Listen to the stories that your moms tell you about your dads. They were most special. Yes, they are the magical heroes that your moms tell you about. Hold them in your heart now, as you grow up and throughout your lives, because your dads are in heaven watching over you. They never met you here on earth, but as they look down at their baby, they proudly smile.
This day is yours. I give you my heart.
I wipe politics out of the picture, as this day is a memorial day. To those at fault, I merely say "Shame on you."
Once upon a time, life was more peaceful, more certain. On September 11, 2001, a page turned in history and life became instantly changed. It became uncertain.
Today is a day to honor all those who still give their lives for September 11, 2001. Those that breathed the particles of glass, rock and dust into their lungs on that day. We honor you. The office workers running for their lives. We honor you. Those that went to rescue those that were trapped. Oh, we do honor you! God bless you!
And I have two more groups who deserve the most honorable mention, maybe three. We honor you who could have escaped, but chose to stay back and help someone in need. Those of you who laid down your lives for your fellow man. There is no greater love.
We honor you, the soldier, who are fighting and still giving your life for September 11, 2001.
Last but not at all least. I honor the Mothers. I honor the Mothers that lost their children on September 11, 2001. I honor the Mothers, that still lose their children because of the breathing illness inflicted on them on that day, and . . .
I honor the Mother of the Soldier who still gives their life for September 11, 2001. You are a hero, as there is nothing harder in life than losing a child. You have given us your child. We stand in awe of you and we Thank You.
Once upon a time life was different. There was a Magical City within a Magnificent City and it was called the World Trade Center. Our husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, all worked there and one day it all just simply vanished.
We have not forgotten.
Luella May