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James Wright

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Belief Number Three - God the Father
9/10/2006 11:56:35 PM

Hi My Friends,

Today, 9/11 is a day which has gone down in infamy, for those who have crossed the dateline already. I have a question for you, and I welcome all input.

Why do you think God allowed 9/11 to happen?

3. Father:
God the eternal Father is the Creator, Source, Sustainer, and Sovereign of all creation. He is just and holy, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. The qualities and powers exhibited in the Son and the Holy Spirit are also revelations of the Father. (Gen. 1:1; Rev. 4:11; 1 Cor. 15:28; John 3:16; 1 John 4:8; 1 Tim. 1:17; Ex. 34:6, 7; John 14:9.)

Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Belief Number Three - God the Father
9/11/2006 3:53:33 PM
Only He knows why but from our finite perspective, I read in the Bible that "all things work for good to them that are called according to His purpose." Some pretty amazing life changing stories resulted from this tragedy, which makes a mockery of the hienous act of terror. 
James Wright

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Re: Belief Number Three - God the Father
9/11/2006 4:50:39 PM

Hey Rudy, thanks for your input. It is easy to question the integrity of God in a situation like this. Can anyone describe to me the feelings cycle one has to go through when they lose a loved one?

Re: Belief Number Three - God the Father
9/11/2006 6:41:27 PM

Hi, James!

You're asking the wrong question.  It's not that The Almighty allowed this event to happen (just like all other events in history), it is that he does not control the actions of people by force.  While those who perpetrated the attack did so in the name of Allah, they were deceived or liars.  Only by reading the Bible and following its tenets and beliefs can God reshape you into his image and thereby bring you closer to Him.  This is a choice the individual has to make, freely and with his or her  entire being.

So, God did not allow this to happen...He merely allowed people to make their own choices and chart out their own lives.

He is a Merciful and Just God, but it's up to His children to follow.  Forced love is not love at all.


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Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

1089 Posts
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Re: Belief Number Three - God the Father
9/11/2006 7:06:28 PM
Aspects of grieving come to mind, but I'm not a grief counselor. Some of what follows here comes from experience though. If emotions are not processed, what I learned and seen in real life, is "emotional arrest". Feelings of denial, anger, guilt, blame, acceptance are the basic consequences and one should feel negative towards yourself because of them.  These are only a slice of the emotional roller coaster experience. Length of time is different for  everyone, don't feel bad if takes years to get on with life.
My condolences to you in your grief for the one(s) dear to you.

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