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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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FREE Traffic-Driving Gift to Blast Your Sales:
9/8/2006 1:06:36 PM

Hi Forum Members, you may have received a similar message this morning, I just want to make sure everyone picks up their free copy of this 30-page ebook.  It details what you need to do to bring lots more people to your sites, be more successful at anything you're selling, and how to compile a large opt-in list.  It's at the upper left corner of my free Yahoo groups site:

If for some reason the ebook doesn't open when you click on it, you can get your own rebrandable rights to this for only $9.97 and you'll then be able to earn as much as $158.00 per customer from automatic backend sales.



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Flag of Sharon Shipley

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Re: FREE Traffic-Driving Gift to Blast Your Sales:
9/8/2006 1:38:39 PM

Kathleen -

Thanks for the free download.  Hopefully I'll be able to jump-start my ventures and make some money.


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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: FREE Traffic-Driving Gift to Blast Your Sales:
9/8/2006 1:57:47 PM

You're very welcome, Sharon!  Did the ebook open okay for you?  You get a lot of details there about using autoresponder forms on your site to gain opt-in subscribers, and also there's a lot about how to use a Google Adwords account, Ewen Chia really tells people the things that all the other guys keep secret for themselves. 

If you order the Secret Affiliate Weapon for $9.97 there are online audio and video directions, Mr. Chia has an accent that's hard to understand sometimes because I think he gets nervous when speaking English, but he's very down-to-earth and genuine.


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Flag of JJ Pickels

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Re: FREE Traffic-Driving Gift to Blast Your Sales:
9/8/2006 3:07:21 PM

Thank you, Kathleen!

Yes, I downloaded it this morning! Thank you so much for your gift!


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Flag of Phyllis Wolfe

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Thanks Kathleen
9/8/2006 4:31:43 PM
Thank you Kathleen for the ebook.
I am excited to read it.
Have a great weekend.

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