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Nick Grimshawe

792 Posts
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Person Of The Week
9/6/2006 12:45:52 AM
I thought I would share this post for Beautiful Summer Morning as it received much comment. It is a celebration of the change form Summer to Fall.

September: it was the most beautiful of words, he’d always felt, evoking orange-flowers, swallows, and regret.

Source: Alexander Theroux

I am not totally satisfied with that quote, but there appears to be a lack of really good quotes about the turning month.

The quote does capture some of the feel of September. We turn away from summer and face toward fall. Summer’s embrace lingers on through those beautiful days of September. But be honest, you can feel the change in the air.

I know the last few days as I’ve motored home I feel the poignancy of the season. As I come out of the rolling hills of Mount Lehman taking in the long sweep of the land as I descend on a winding road to the flats I feel the change in the land. While the panorama before me basks in the sun, the breeze carries something of the crisper mornings to come. The shadows are long across the road, with an earlier going down sun, reminding me that only a month before there were no shadows across the road.

The air is warm and filled with ripe scents. Scents of ripe fruit and drying hay, the heavier more languid scents of fall. While I revel in the sunshine, I feel like a thief, trying to steal back summer.
She is gone I say to myself, and feel sad. But fall is coming! I can get excited about fall and the splendors of the land with a coat of colour.

Let summer go. No, never. But embrace the fall, yes I can do that. Now summer becomes more a state of mind, more like the summer morning I carry in my heart. Summer is an idea, a place of warmth and peace and gathered potential, waiting to bust with energy and action.

Fall is a different country, one with different customs. Walks in the late afternoon as darkness inks the sky, warm light shining form lonely windows beckoning you in. I will treasure fall and winter too, but summer is my heart and the sun is my soul. While I march through a different season, summer walks beside me always.

Enjoy the new season. And love in the sun while it lingers for a while yet.

Nick Grimshawe

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