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Kathy Hamilton

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Failures want pleasing methods, successes want pleasing results.
9/4/2006 12:05:53 AM
Hello my friends, Hope you all have been enjoying your holiday weekend. Kathy/ Sadie Delaney's father taught her always to strive to do better tthan her competition. She proved the value of that lesson shortly before she recieved her teaching licence. A supervisor came to watch her and two other student teachers. Their assignment was to teach a class to bake cookies. Since the supervisor didn't have time for each teacher to go through the entire lesson, she divided the lesson, and Sadie was assigned to teach the girls how to serve and clean up. The first student teacher panicked and forgot to halve the recipe and preheat the oven. The second girl was behind because of the first girls errors that the student made a mess in forming and baking the cookies. Then it was Sadie's turn. She said to the girls, "Listen, we have to work together as a Team". They quickly baked the remaining dough. Several girls were lined up to scrub pans as soon as the cookies came out of the oven. Within ten minutes they had several dozen perfect cookies and a clean kitchen, The supervisor was so impressed, she offered Sadie a substitute teacher's license on the spot. Sadie soon became the first black person ever to teach domestic science in New York City's public high school. Even when you have every right to blame others who have gone before you, do not make excuses. Do what it takes to get the job done !!! No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful, later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have trained by it. Many blessings to everyone, Kathy Martin Then Sadie
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Failures want pleasing methods, successes want pleasing results.
9/4/2006 12:31:51 AM

Thanks, Kathy, for an interesting story to drive home a good lesson.  (You are starting Labor Day early!)


Ricardo Alcaraz

203 Posts
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Re: Failures want pleasing methods, successes want pleasing results.
9/4/2006 6:49:06 AM

Well spoken Kathy!

Sometimes, while going through the process of discipline, we tend to ask why in the world we're doing what we're doing, enduring inconveniences, sacrificing comforts ....

But then, crunch time comes around ... and you're glad you went through all that!



Sonia Lawrence

231 Posts
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Re: Failures want pleasing methods, successes want pleasing results.
9/4/2006 7:44:50 AM

Hi Kathy

Thanks for sharing.  I enjoyed reading the story.  The work is usually lighter when it is shared.

Sonia Lawrence

Re: Failures want pleasing methods, successes want pleasing results.
9/4/2006 9:40:23 AM

Great article, Kathy:

Enjoy the Seattle/Renton holiday.  Your daughter does beautiful work. .....Mr. President.... Your inspirational messages bless a lot of lives, mine included.

My best wishes to you and your family,  in Jesus Christ's Name.





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