
Anna-marie Stewart

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The amazing stories of successful marketers!
9/2/2006 5:46:22 PM

The amazing stories of successful marketers!

Want to be in profit? Then learn how money is made with real life interviews of The cash makers of the net. Eye opening, real and informative "Real life marketers Interviews" Now volume 2 with FREE bonus interviews!

What people are saying about this Ebook:

The marketers don’t beat around the bush. They tell you exactly how they started and the reasons why they believe they are successful. I really enjoyed reading the whole package...
Ernie Lonardo

I found the eBook to be Very Informative and the Lay-Out to be Very Easy to Follow. I Highly Recommend that people read the this book and learn from the best that Anything's Possible if You Take Action. ...
Michael T. Mayo

It was awesome hearing about each one's own successes, how they started out, and also their failures. I found the interviews entertaining, informational, and in the end - inspiring. It came at a great time for me as I needed a little encouragement.....
Barry Davis

I have only read the ebook thus far, not even the bonuses yet, nor have I listened to the audios yet, but the ebook alone is worth much more than the price of admission for those who want to learn how to become successful online. Also, I was amazed at all of the helpful websites included, not to mention the freebies offered by some of them....
Sandra Cobb

Grab your copy NOW


Real Life Marketer Interviews Volume II http:/ 32 Ways To Keep The Kids Occupied
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Julia Fyvie

306 Posts
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Re: The amazing stories of successful marketers!
9/2/2006 8:01:16 PM


A True Life "Rags to Riches" Story
A True Life "Rags to Riches" Story Motivated the Launch
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'At the age of 21 I found myself homeless, living out of my
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was at the lowest point in my life.
The real turning point in my life came late one evening... I
listened to a Tony Robbins tape that told his story of going
from earning a very average income to over $1 million a year
in personal income. He attributed his success to personal
development - he read over 700 books and immersed himself in
personal development education.
I decided to take that as a clue and started spending hours
and hours a day at Barnes & Nobles reading books on self-
improvement. As I bettered my mind, I bettered my finances
and I now attribute 100% of my success to my self-education
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