
We are in the Top 20!!
8/31/2006 4:06:21 PM
If you thought this was not the right time to know about Isagenix, you thought wrong. In 4 years Isagenix has proven itself to be a very solid company. It is only in Canada, the US and Puerto Rico. It has not even gone over seas yet and it is in the top 20 already. In fact, in January we will be announcing where we will be going overseas.
Isagenix has also been potrayed in one of the leading Home Business Magazines called "Your Business at Home" (Oct 2006 issue) and it has attracted some of the top people in the US and Canada to it's List of Successful People. In fact Dr. John Gray recomends Isagenix in his new Book "Mars and Venus Diet and Excercise Solution. And Jack Canfield dedicated 2 whole books to Isagenix called "Chicken Soup for the Healthy Soul" 1and 2.  Even one of the leading Cancer and Vitamin-C research team in the world praises Isagenix for it's superior Quality.
Isagenix is no longer on trial folks. It has proven itself worthy of changing peoples lives both financially and physically. With it's pay plan that pays you 6% to infinity and it allows you to be paid up to $25,000 a week just by refering someone to them. 12 people are now millionaires and this has all happened over 4 years. You know, with Isagenix you will never fail, well unless you keep it for yourself.
If you are looking for better health.
If you are looking for something that is easy to do
If you are looking for a better income.
If you are looking for more time to do what you want to do.
If you answered yes to any of the above
If you know someone who needs any of the above.
If you liked what you saw, e mail me at
Lisa Morrison
Consultant Trainer
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