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Gary Small

243 Posts
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TRAVEL TIPS-passports
8/25/2006 9:20:47 PM
16 Tips to Prevent Passport Problems Carelessness is the number one reason for a passport application being rejected or delayed or for a passport being lost, stolen, or damaged. What steps are necessary to prevent these things from happening? How can you take care of your passport? Below are 16 practical tips you can follow to acquire your passport, keep it in your possession, and preserve it in good condition. Before You Leave On Your Trip 1. Check to see if you even need a passport. Countries can, and often do, change foreign entry requirements. If you arrive at the airport without the required documents, you'll be denied boarding privileges. And, of course, This isn't covered by travel insurance. Currently, more than 80% of the world's countries require a valid passport for entrance. It's important to verify the foreign entry requirements for the country you plan to visit as early as possible. 2. Apply for your passport early. You should apply for a new passport at least 90 days before your departure date. For a renewal, begin the process 8 to 11 months before your passport expires. Why so early? Many countries require that your passport have six to eight months of validity remaining before they will issue a visa. 3. Fill out the correct form correctly. Each type of passport service has specific criteria that must be met. Make sure you get the right application form, and then fill it in carefully. Double-check each entry. Ask a friend or relative to verify it as well. Errors made on the application form can lead to delays, or even rejection of your passport request. 4. Follow the specifications for the required documents exactly. When applying for a new passport, the most frequently used documents are a certified birth certificate for proof of citizenship along with a valid driver's license for proof of your identity. Your birth certificate must be a certified copy with a registrar's raised, embossed, impressed, or multicolored seal, registrar's signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar's office, which must be within 1 year of your birth. No photocopies are accepted. Your driver's license must be more than six months old. For a passport renewal, your previous passport serves as both proof of citizenship and proof of identity. To be valid, it cannot be mutilated, altered, or damaged in any way. You must send two identical passport photos taken within the last 6 months. These passport photos must be 2 x2 with a plain white or off-white background. They have to be a full-face view with the head being from 1 to 1 3/8 inches from the chin to the top of the head. The photos can be either color or black and white. 5. Sign both the passport application form and your check. Surprisingly, many people forget to sign either the passport application form or their check to Passport Services. Once again, check everything twice, or even three times. 6. Request additional pages. Are you a frequent flyer? Request a 48-page passport (at no additional cost). It will allow you to travel longer before having to replace it. 7. Sign your passport and fill out the emergency information. When your passport arrives, check to see that all the information contained in it is correct. If it is, sign it and fill in your current address and the name of a person to contact in case of emergency. If not, return it to the State Department for correction. 8. Make two copies of your passport and photos. Give one copy of your passport to a friend or relative who can be easily contacted in case of an emergency. Take the other copy and the extra photos with you on your trip. If you use an online document storage service, you can scan your passport and upload a copy. That way, you can access it from almost anywhere in the world. While You're Away 9. Always keep your passport in a safe place! Never leave your passport in your baggage, backpack, purse, car, hotel room, or anywhere else! When you must carry your passport, keep it in a money belt or inside coat pocket. Upon arrival at the hotel, put your passport in the hotel safe. 10. Never lay your passport down anywhere. Passports placed on a counter, phone booth or table can be easily forgotten or stolen. Practice the habit of immediately putting your passport away after using it. 11. If you travel as a family or as part of a group, don't let one person carry all the passports. The odds are much greater for one person carrying all the passports to lose them or have them stolen than for all the passports to be stolen or lost if each individual owner carries them. 12. Never let anyone leave your presence with your passport. When you're checking in at the airport, passing through customs, exchanging currency, or doing anything else that requires you to show your passport, never allow the person examining your passport to leave your presence. If the person starts to leave, call their attention and request to accompany them. Law enforcement records show that U.S. passports are sometimes used for unlawful entry into the United States or by criminals abroad seeking to establish another identity. You would be pretty embarrassed if your name were associated with illegal activities. 13. Immediately report the loss of your passport. If you are careful and follow the tips above, you shouldn't have any problem with the loss of your passport. If it does occur though, immediately notify the local police and then proceed to the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Take the copy of your passport and extra photos with you. You will be issued a temporary passport that you can replace upon returning to the United States. After You Return 14. Schedule your passport renewal. Check the expiration date and make a reminder to renew your passport at the proper time. Remember, you should begin the process 8 to 11 months prior to the expiration date. Put the reminder somewhere where it won't be forgotten. 15. Check the number of blank pages remaining. Some countries require a blank page for their visa. If you plan a future trip on which you will visit various countries, you might need the same number of pages as countries to be visited. If you do not have an adequate number of pages but your passport is not due for renewal, you can request additional pages. 16. Store your passport in a safe place. If you have a safe in your home, keep your passport there. If not, consider a safety deposit box at your local bank. Follow the practical tips above and you can easily avoid passport problems and more fully enjoy your international travels. William Manor is the owner of U.S. Passport Service Guide, a very useful and com prehensive resource for U.S. citizens who travel internationally.
Gary Small

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How to Obtain a Child's Passport
8/25/2006 9:21:56 PM
You won't find the first requirement for obtaining a child's passport on the U.S. Department of State's offical list. That doesn't mean it is no less necessary. What is it? A large dose of patience. Over the last few years, new requirements have been added to guarantee the security of children. While these measures serve a worthy objective, they do tend to complicate the process. To help you get through the process as quickly and easily as possible, I've put together a list of things you need to take with you when applying for a child's passport. 1. Your child That's right. Since February 2004, the State Deparment requires your child to appear in person. 2. Both parents or legal guardians If a parent or guardian cannot appear, either a notarized letter of permission (Form DS-3035) must be provided or some other documented explanation such as proof of sole custody, an adoption decree or a death certificate of the deceased parent. 3. Proof of citizenship This can be a certified birth certificate from the registar's office in the state where the child was born. Other acceptable documents are a previous fully valid U.S. passport, a Report of Birth Abroad, a Certification of Birth Abroad or a Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization. 4. Proof of relationship to child You can established your relationship to the child with a certified birth certificate, Certificate of Birth Abroad, adoption decree or court order of legal guardianship. Previous U.S. passports are not accepted as proof of relationship. 5. Photo ID Your own passport or drivers license will do. 6. Passport Application Form DS-11 Fill out the form carefully. Don't sign it until requested by the passport acceptance officer. The child's signature is required if he or she is older than 14 years. 7. Two passport photos of your child The State Department has strict rules about passport photos. Your best bet is to get new photos from a professional passport photo service. 8. Payment You will have at least three fees - the Passport Application Fee, the Execution Fee and the Security surcharge. For children age 16 or older, the passport fee is $55, the security surcharge is $12 and the execution fee is $30. The total is $97. For children under age 16, the passport fee is $40, the security surcharge is $12 and the execution fee is $30. The total is $82. An expediting fee of $60 must also be paid to the U.S. Department of State if you want to obtain your child's passport within 2 weeks. Want to avoid problems, start early and follow the requirements thoroughly. What do you do when a problem does arise? Remember the first requirement for obtaining a child's passport. About the Author William Manor is owner and webmaster of U.S. Passport Service Guide, a comprehensive site for: travel visa - passport information - passport expediting services -
Gary Small

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Holiday Hints, Passports By Country
4/14/2007 1:38:58 AM
Introduction These listings are for U.S. citizens traveling on tourism/business and does not apply to persons planning to emigrate to foreign countries. Persons traveling on official business for the U.S. Government should obtain visa information from the agency sponsoring their travel. For purposes of this publication, a visa is an endorsement or stamp placed by officials of a foreign country on a U.S. passport that allows the bearer to visit that foreign country. Note: Wherever you see the words 'photo(s) required' in this publication it means that you will need to submit passport-size photographs. IMPORTANT: THIS LISTING IS PREPARED FROM INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM FOREIGN EMBASSIES PRIOR TO MARCH 1995. THIS INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CHECK ENTRY REQUIREMENTS WITH THE CONSULAR OFFICIALS OF THE COUNTRIES TO BE VISITED WELL IN ADVANCE. Immunizations Under the International Health Regulations adopted by the World Health Organization, a country may require International Certificates of Vaccination against yellow fever. A cholera immunization may be required if you are traveling from an infected area. Check with health care providers or your records to ensure other immunizations (e.g. tetanus and polio) are up-to-date. Prophylactic medication for malaria and certain other preventive measures are advisable for travel to some countries. No immunizations are required to return to the United States. Detailed health information is included in Health Information for International Travel, available from the U.S. Government Printing Office (address on page 20) for $7 or may be obtained from your local health department or physician or by calling the Centers for Disease Control on 404/332-4559. An increasing number of countries have established regulations regarding AIDS testing, particularly for long-term visitors. Although many are listed here, check with the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit to verify if this is a requirement for entry. All international flights are subject to U.S. Immigration and U.S. Customs fees paid in advance as part of your ticket. In addition, many countries have departure fees that are sometimes collected at the time of ticket purchase. Passports U.S. citizens who travel to a country where a valid passport is not required will need documentary evidence of their U.S. citizenship and identity. Proof of U.S. citizenship includes an expired passport, a certified (original) birth certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, Certificate of Citizenship, or Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States. To prove identity, a valid driver’s license or government identification card are acceptable provided they identify you by physical description or photograph. However, for travel overseas and to facilitate reentry into the U.S., a valid U.S. passport is the best documentation available and it unquestionably proves your U.S. citizenship. Some countries require that your passport be valid at least six months beyond the dates of your trip. If your passport expires before the required validity, you will have to apply for a new one. Please check with the embassy or nearest consulate of the country you plan to visit for their requirements. Some Arab or African countries will not issue visas or allow entry if your passport indicates travel to Israel or South Africa. Consult the nearest U.S. passport agency for guidance if this applies to you. Visas SHOULD BE OBTAINED BEFORE PROCEEDING ABROAD. Allow sufficient time for processing your visa application, especially if you are applying by mail. Most foreign consular representatives are located in principal cities, and in many instances, a traveler may be required to obtain visas from the consular office in the area of his/her residence. The addresses of foreign consular offices in the United States may be obtained by consulting the Congressional Directory in the library. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE TRAVELER TO OBTAIN VISAS, WHERE REQUIRED, FROM THE APPROPRIATE EMBASSY OR NEAREST CONSULATE OF THE COUNTRY YOU ARE PLANNING TO VISIT. Notes _ SASE is self-addressed, stamped envelope. _ If applying in person, remember to call about office hours. Many consulates are only open in the morning. _ This booklet is updated yearly and is available from the Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, CO 81009 for 50 cents. Other Information The State Department issues Consular Information Sheets for every country in the world. They include such information as the location of the U.S. embassy or consulate in the subject country, health conditions, political disturbances, unusual currency and entry regulations, crime and security information, and drug penalties. The State Department also issues Travel Warnings. Travel Warnings are issued when the State Department decides, based on all relevant information, to recommend that Americans avoid travel to a certain country. Countries where avoidance of travel is recommended will have Travel Warnings as well as Consular Information Sheets. Consular Information Sheets and Travel Warnings may be heard anytime by dialing (202) 647-5225 from a touchtone phone. They are also available at any of the 13 regional U.S. passport agencies, at U.S. embassies and consulates abroad, and through the airline computer reservation systems, or, by writing and sending a self-addressed, stamped business size envelope to the Overseas Citizens Services, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Room 4811, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. 20520-4818. If you have a personal computer, modem and communications software, you can access them, and other consular handouts and publications through the Consular Affairs Bulletin Board (CABB). This service is free of charge. To access CABB, dial the modem number: (202) 647-9225; set modem speed (will accommodate 300, 1200, 2400, 9600 or 14400 bps); and terminal communications program to N-8-1 (parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit). Or you can have Information Sheets, Warnings and publications faxed to you via the Consular Affairs automated fax system by dialing from your fax phone (202) 647-3000. Travel Tools Passports, Visas, Luggage, Travel Insurance, Spa Reservations, Sunglasses, Late Night and Cauual Apparel Travel Tools Vacation Packages Airfare, Hotel Reservations, Package Discounts, Discount Airfare, Luxury Hotels, Business Class Airfare Vacation Packages Airfare Flights, Online Only Discount Airfare, Airport Shuttles, First Class Airfare, Discount Airfare, Business Class Airfare Airfare Family Vacations All-Inclusive Family Vacations, Resort Hotels, Family Vacation Packages Hotels
Gary Small

243 Posts
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Holiday Hints, Passports : By Country : Afghanistan to Cote DeIvoire
4/14/2007 1:48:30 AM
AFGHANISTAN Passport and visa required. No tourist or business visas are being issued at this time. For further information contact Embassy of the Republic of Afghanistan, 2341 Wyoming Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/234-3770/1). ALBANIA Passport required. Visa not required for tourist stay of up to 3 months. Departure tax $10. For further information contact the Embassy of the Republic of Albania at 1150 18th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (202/223-4942). ALGERIA Passport and visa required. Obtain visa before arrival. Visa valid up to 90 days, requires 2 application forms, 2 photos, and $12 fee (money order or certified check). Company letter (+ 1 copy) required for business visa. Visa not granted to passports showing Israeli visas. Enclose prepaid self-addressed envelope for return of passport by registered, certified or express mail. For currency regulations and other information contact the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria, 2137 Wyoming Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/265-2800). ANDORRA (See France.) ANGOLA Passport and visa required. Tourist/business visas require an application form, letter stating purpose of travel, and 2 recent photos. Applications by mail require prepaid return envelope. Yellow fever and cholera immunizations required. For additional information contact Embassy of Angola, 1819 L Street, N.W., Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202/785-1156) or the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Angola to the U.N., 125 East 73rd Street, New York, NY 10021 (212/861-5656). ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Passport or proof of U.S. citizenship required, return/onward ticket and/or proof of funds needed for tourist stay up to 6 months. Check Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda, Suite 4M, 3400 International Drive, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/362-5122/5166/5211) for further information. ARGENTINA Passport required. Visa not required for tourist stay up to 3 months. Business visa requires company letter detailing purpose of trip and length of stay. For more information contact Argentine Embassy, 1600 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 (202/939-6400) or the nearest Consulate: CA (213/739-5959 and 415/982-3050), FL (305/373-1889), IL (312/263-7435), LA (504/523-2823), NY (212/603-0415), PR (809/754-6500) or TX (713/871-8935). ARMENIA Passport and visa required. Visa for stay of up to 21 days, requires 1 application form, 1 photo and $50 fee. For stays longer than 21 days, an official invitation from a qualifying entity in Armenia is required. If applying by mail, enclose a SASE or prepaid airbill indicating type of mail service (i.e. Federal Express, etc). For more information contact the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia, 1660 L Street, N.W., Suite 210, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202/393-5983). ARUBA - Passport or proof of U.S. citizenship required. Visa not required for stay up to 14 days, extendable to 90 days after arrival. Proof of onward/return ticket or sufficient funds for stay may be required. Departure tax $9.50. For further information consult Embassy of the Netherlands (202/244-5300), or nearest Consulate General: CA (212/380-3440), IL ( 314/856-1429), NY (212/246-1429) or TX (713/622-8000). AUSTRALIA Passport, visa and onward/return transportation required. Transit visa not necessary for up to 8-hour stay at airport. Visitor visa valid 1 year for multiple entries up to 3 months, no charge, requires 1 application and 1 photo. Applications for a stay of longer than 3 months or with a validity longer than 1 year, require fee of $24 (U.S.). Need company letter for business visa. Departure tax, $20 (Australian), paid at airport. Minors not accompanied by parent require notarized copy of the child’s birth certificate and notarized written parental consent from both parents. AIDS test required for permanent resident visa applicants age 15 and over; U.S. test accepted. Send prepaid envelope for return of passport by mail. Allow 3 to 4 weeks for processing. For further information contact the Embassy of Australia, 1601 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (1-800-242-2878, 202/797-3145) or the nearest Consulate General: CA (213/469-4300 or 415-362-6160), HI (808/524-5050), NY (212/245-4000) or TX (713/629-9131). AUSTRIA Passport required. Tourist visa not required for stay of up to 3 months as a tourist. For information concerning longer stays, employment, or other types of visas check with the Embassy of Austria, 3524 International Court, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/895-6767) or nearest Consulate General: Los Angeles (310/444-9310), Chicago (312/222-1515) or New York (212/737-6400). AZERBAIJAN Passport and visa required. Visa (no charge) requires 1 application form, 1 photo, and a letter of invitation. Please include SASE or prepaid airbill for return of documents. For additional information contact the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 927 15th Street, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20005 (202/842-0001). AZORES (See Portugal.) BAHAMAS Proof of U.S. citizenship, photo ID and onward/return ticket required for stay up to 8 months. Passport and residence/work permit needed for residence and business. Permit required for firearms and to import pets. Departure tax of $15 must be paid at airport. For further information call Embassy of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, 2220 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/319-2660) or nearest Consulate: Miami (305/373-6295) or New York (212/421-6420). BAHRAIN Passport and visa required. No tourist visas issued at this time. Transit visa available upon arrival for stay up to 72 hours, must have return/onward ticket. Business, work, or resident visas valid for 3 months, single-entry, require 1 application form, 1 photo, letter from company or No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Immigration Dept. in Bahrain and $30 fee ($20 for bearer of NOC). Yellow fever vaccination needed if arriving from infected area. Send SASE for return of passport by mail. For departure tax and other information, contact Embassy of the State of Bahrain, 3502 International Drive, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/342-0741); or the Permanent Mission to the U.N., 2 United Nations Plaza, East 44th Street, New York, NY 10017 (212/223-6200). BANGLADESH Passport, visa, and onward/return ticket required. Tourist/business visa requires 2 application forms, 2 photos and $21 fee. Business visa also requires company letter. For longer stays and more information consult Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, 2201 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 (202/342-8373). BARBADOS U.S. tourists traveling directly from the U.S. to Barbados may enter for up to 3 months stay with proof of U.S. citizenship (original or certified copy of birth certificate), photo ID and onward/return ticket. Passport required for longer visits and other types of travel. Business visas $25, single-entry and $30 multiple-entry (may require work permit). Departure tax of $12.50 US ($25 BDS) is paid at airport. Check information with Embassy of Barbados, 2144 Wyoming Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/939-9200) or Consulate General in New York (212/867-8435). BELARUS Passport and visa required. Visa requires 1 application form, 1 photo, letter of invitation from a citizen of Belarus or a Belarus organization, company or agency. Tourist visa (for stay of up to 2 days) requires 1 application form, 1 photo, confirmation from receiving tourist organization in Belarus. The visa processing fee is $30 for 7 working days, $60 for next day, and $100 for same day processing. Transit visa is required when traveling through Belarus ($20). For additional information contact Embassy of Belarus, 1619 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 (202/986-1604), Consulate General, 708 3rd Ave., Suite 1802, New York, NY 10017 (212/682-5392). BELGIUM Passport required. Visa not required for business/tourist stay up to 90 days. Temporary residence permit required for longer stays. For residence authorization, consult Embassy of Belgium, 3330 Garfield St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/333-6900) or nearest Consulate General: Los Angeles (213/857-1244), Atlanta (404/659-2150), Chicago (312/263-6624) or New York (212/586-5110). BELIZE Passport, return/onward ticket and sufficient funds required. Visa not required for stay up to 30 days. If visit exceeds 1 month, a stay permit must be obtained from the Immigration Authorities in Belize. AIDS test required for those staying more than 3 months; U.S. test accepted if within 3 months of visit. For longer stays and other information contact Embassy of Belize, 2535 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/332-9636) or the Belize Mission in New York at (212/599-0233). BENIN Passport and visa required. Entry/transit visa for stay up to 90 days, requires $20 fee (money orders only), 2 application forms, 2 photos, vaccination certificates for yellow fever and cholera, proof of return/onward transportation (guarantee from travel agency or photocopy of round trip ticket) and letter of guarantee from employer. Send prepaid envelope for return of passport by certified or express mail. Apply at Embassy of the Republic of Benin, 2737 Cathedral Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/232-6656). BERMUDA Passport (or proof of U.S. citizenship with photo ID) and onward/return ticket required for tourist stay up to 3 months. Departure tax of $10 is paid at airport. For further information consult British Embassy (202/986-0205). BHUTAN Passport and visa required. Visa requires $20 fee, 1 application and 2 photos. Tourist visas arranged by Tourism Department and issued at entry checkpoints in Bhutan. Apply 2 months in advance. Yellow fever vaccination required if traveling from an infected area. For further information call the Consulate of the Kingdom of Bhutan in New York (212/826-1919). BOLIVIA Passport required. Visa not required for tourist stay up to 30 days. Business visa requires $50 fee and company letter explaining purpose of trip. Send SASE for return of passport by mail. AIDS test required. A 'Defined Purpose Visa' must be obtained for those wishing to obtain permanent residency, $50 fee. For more information contact Embassy of Bolivia (Consular Section), 3014 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/232-4828 or 483-4410) or nearest Consulate General: San Francisco (415/495-5173), Miami (305/358-3450), New York (212/687-0530) or Houston (713/780-8001). (Check special requirements for pets.) BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Passport required. At the time of publication, Bosnia-Herzegovina entry permission is being granted at the border on a case by-case basis. BOTSWANA Passport required. Visa not required for stay up to 90 days. For further information contact Embassy of the Republic of Botswana, Suite 7M, 3400 International Drive, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/244-4990/1) or nearest Honorary Consulate: Los Angeles (213/626-8484), San Francisco (415/346-4435) or Houston (713/622-1900). BRAZIL Passport and visa required. Passport must be valid for at least six months at the time of first entry in Brazil. Visas are issued within 24 hours if submitted in person by the applicant. Multiple-entry visa valid for a stay of 90 days (renewable in Brazil for an equal period), requires 1 application form, 1 passport size photo, proof of onward/return transportation, and yellow fever vaccination if arriving from infected area. Tourist visas are granted free of charge if applications are submitted in person or by next of kin. There is a $10 service fee for applications sent by mail (money orders, certified check or company check only). Provide SASE for return of passport by mail. For travel with children or business visa contact Brazilian Embassy (Consular Section), 3009 Whitehaven St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/745-2828) or nearest Consulate: CA (213/651-2664 or 415/981-8170), FL (305/285-6200), IL (312/464-0245), MA (617/542-4000), NY (212/757-3080), PR (809/754-7983) or TX (713/961-3063). BRUNEI Passport required. Visa not required for tourist/business stay up to 90 days. Yellow fever vaccination needed if arriving from infected area. For more information, contact Embassy of the State of Brunei Darussalam, Suite 300, 2600 Virginia Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 (202/342-0159) or Brunei Permanent Mission to the U.N., 866 United Nations Plaza, Rm. 248, New York, NY 10017 (212/838-1600). BULGARIA Passport required. Tourist visa not required for stay up to 30 days. AIDS test may be required for those staying more than 1 month. For longer stays, business visas and other information contact Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, 1621 22nd St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/387-7969). BURKINA FASO Passport and visa required. Single-entry visa valid 3 months for visit up to 1 month, extendable, requires $80 fee, 2 application forms, 2 photos and yellow fever vaccination (cholera immunization recommended). Send passport by registered mail and include postage or prepaid envelope for return by mail. Payment accepted in cash or money order only. For further information call Embassy of Burkina Faso, 2340 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/332-5577) or Honorary Consulate in Decatur, GA (404/378-7278), Los Angeles, CA (213/824-5100) or New Orleans, LA (504/945-3152). BURMA (See Myanmar.) BURUNDI Passport and visa required. Obtain visa before arrival to avoid long airport delay. Multi-entry visa valid for 2 months (must be used within 2 months of date of issue) requires $11 fee, 3 application forms, 3 photos, yellow fever and cholera immunizations, return/onward ticket, and detailed itinerary (meningitis immunization recommended). Company letter needed for business travel. Send U.S. postal money order only and SASE for return of passport by mail. For further information consult Embassy of the Republic of Burundi, Suite 212, 2233 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 (202/342-2574) or Permanent Mission of Burundi to the U.N. (212/687-1180). CAMBODIA (formerly Kampuchea)
Passport and visa required. Visa valid for a 1 month stay. Visa available through the Permanent Mission to the U.N. or upon arrival in Cambodia from the Ministry of National Security; requires 3 photos, 3 copies of applications and $20 fee. For further information please consult the Cambodian Permanent Mission to the U.N. at 866 U.N. Plaza, Room 420, New York, New York 10017 (212/421-7626) CAMEROON Passport and visa required. Obtain visa before arrival to avoid difficulty at airport. Multiple-entry tourist visa for stay up to 90 days, requires $65.22 fee, 2 application forms, 2 photos, yellow fever and cholera immunizations, proof of onward/return transportation and bank statement. If invited by family or friends, visa available for up to 3 months, may be extended 1 month. Invitation must be signed by authorities in Cameroon. Multiple-entry business visa, valid 12 months, requires company letter to guarantee financial and legal responsibility; include exact dates of travel. Enclose prepaid envelope for return of passport by registered, certified or express mail. For additional information contact Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon, 2349 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/265-8790 to 8794). CANADA Proof of U.S. citizenship and photo ID required. Minors (under 16) traveling alone or in someone else’s custody, must present written authorization signed before a notary from the parent(s) or guardian. Visa not required for U.S. tourists entering from the U.S. for a stay up to 180 days. Anyone with a criminal record (including a DWI charge) should contact the Canadian Embassy or nearest Consulate General before travel. U.S. citizens entering Canada from a third country must have a valid passport. For student or business travel, check with the Canadian Embassy, 501 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 (202/682-1740) or nearest Consulate General: CA (213/687-7412 ), MI (313/567-2085), NY (212/596-1700 or 716/852-1252), or WA (206/443-1377). CAPE VERDE Passport and visa required. Single-entry tourist visa (must be used within 120 days of issue), requires $11 fee, 1 application form, 1 photo and yellow fever immunization if arriving from infected area. Include SASE for return of passport by mail. For further information contact the Embassy of the Republic of Cape Verde, 3415 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 (202/965-6820) or Consulate General, 535 Boylston St., 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02116 (617/353-0014). CAYMAN ISLANDS (See West Indies, British.) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Passport and visa required. Visa must be obtained before arrival and are available for less than 90 days, $60 fee; and over 90 days, $150 fee. Requirements: 2 application forms, 2 recent photos, yellow fever immunization, onward/return ticket, and SASE for return of passport by mail. Company letter needed for business visa. For further information contact Embassy of Central African Republic, 1618 22nd St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/483-7800 or 7801). CHAD Passport and visa required. Transit visa valid for up to 1 week, requires onward ticket. Single-entry visa valid 2 months for tourist/business stay up to 30 days (extendable), requires $25 fee (no personal checks), yellow fever and cholera vaccinations, 3 application forms and 3 photos. For business visa need company letter stating purpose of trip. Send prepaid envelope for registered/certified return of passport. Apply Embassy of the Republic of Chad, 2002 R St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 (202/462-4009), and check specific requirements. CHILE Passport required. Visa not required for stay up to 3 months, may be extended. For other information consult Embassy of Chile, 1732 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (202/785-3159) or nearest Consulate General: CA (310/785-0113 and 415/982-7662), FL (305/373-8623), IL (312/654-8780), PA (215/829-9520), NY (212/980-3366), TX (713/621-5853) or PR (809/725-6365). CHINA, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF Passport and visa required. Transit visa required for any stop (even if you do not exit the plane or train) in China. Visitors must show hotel reservation and 'letter of confirmation' from the China International Travel Service (CITS) or an invitation from an individual or institution in China. Business travelers are required to obtain formal invitation from Chinese business contact. CITS tours may be booked through several travel agencies and airlines in the United States and abroad and are often advertised in newspapers and magazines. Visas for tour group members are usually obtained by the travel agent as part of the tour package. Visa requires $30 fee (no personal checks), 2 application forms and 2 photos. Allow at least 10 days processing time. Medical examination required for those staying 1 year or longer. AIDS test required for those staying more than 6 months. For further information contact Chinese Embassy, 2300 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/328-2517) or nearest Consulate General: Chicago (312/346-0287), Houston (713/524-4311), Los Angeles (213/380-2506), New York (212/330-7409) or San Francisco (415/563-4857). COLOMBIA Passport, proof of onward/return ticket, and entry permit required for tourist stay. Entry permits are granted by the immigration authorities at the port of entry, for an initial stay of up to 90 days, extendable for multiple additional periods. Minors (under 18) traveling alone, with one parent or in someone else’s custody, must present written authorization signed before a notary and authenticated by the Colombian Consulate from the absent parent(s) or guardian. Persons suspected of being HIV-positive may be denied entry. For information about longer stays, business and official travel contact Embassy of Colombia (Consulate), 1825 Conn. Ave., N.W., Suite 218, Washington, D.C. 20009 (202/332-7476) or nearest Consulate General: CA (213/382-1137 or 415/495-7191), FL (305/448-5558), GA (404/237-1045), IL (312/923-1196), LA (504/525-5580), MA (617/536-6222), MN (612/933-2408), MO (314/991-3636), OH (216/943-1200 ext. 2530), NY (212/949-9898), PR (809/754-6885), TX (713/527-8919), or WV (304/234-8561). COMOROS ISLANDS Passport and onward/return ticket required. Visa for up to 3 weeks (extendable) issued at airport upon arrival. Anti-malarial suppressants suggested. For further information consult Embassy of the Federal and Islamic Republic of Comoros, 336 East 45th St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10017 (212/972-8010). CONGO Passport and visa required. Single-entry $30 or multiple-entry $50, for tourist/business stay up to 3 months, requires yellow fever and cholera immunizations and onward/return ticket. First-time applicants need 2 application forms and 2 photos, returning visitors need only 2. For business visa must have company letter stating reason for trip. Include SASE for return of passport by mail. Letter of introduction stating reason for trip, 2 applications and 2 photos required. Apply Embassy of the Republic of the Congo, 4891 Colorado Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20011 (202/726-5500) or the Permanent Mission of the Congo to the UN, 14 East 65th St. New York, NY 10021 (212/744-7840). COOK ISLANDS Passport and onward/return ticket required. Visa not needed for visit up to 31 days. For longer stays and further information contact Consulate for the Cook Islands, Kamehameha Schools, #16, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, HI 96817 (808/847-6377). COSTA RICA Passport required. Travelers are sometimes admitted with (original) certified U.S. birth certificate and photo ID for tourist stay of up to 90 days. Tourist card issued upon arrival at airport upon presentation of aforementioned documents for approximately $20. U.S. citizens must have onward/return ticket. For stays over 90 days, you must apply for an extension (within the first week of visit) with Costa Rican Immigration and, after 90 days, obtain exit visa and possess a valid U.S. passport. For travel with pets and other information contact the Consular Section of the Embassy of Costa Rica, 2112 S St. N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/328-6628) or nearest Consulate General: CA (415/392-8488), GA (404/951-7025), FL (305/371-7485), IL (312/263-2772), LA (504/887-8131), NY (212/425-2620) or TX (713/266-1527). COTE D’IVOIRE (formerly Ivory Coast) Passport required. Visa not required for stay up to 90 days. Visa $33, requires 4 application forms, 4 photos, yellow fever vaccination, onward/return ticket and financial guarantee. Include postage for return of passport by registered mail. For further information contact Embassy of the Republic of Cote D’Ivoire, 2424 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/797-0300) or Honorary Consulate: CA (415/391-0176). Travel Tools Passports, Visas, Luggage, Travel Insurance, Spa Reservations, Sunglasses, Late Night and Cauual Apparel Travel Tools Vacation Packages Airfare, Hotel Reservations, Package Discounts, Discount Airfare, Luxury Hotels, Business Class Airfare Vacation Packages Airfare Flights, Online Only Discount Airfare, Airport Shuttles, First Class Airfare, Discount Airfare, Business Class Airfare Airfare Family Vacations All-Inclusive Family Vacations, Resort Hotels, Family Vacation Packages Hotels
Gary Small

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Holiday Hints - Passports : By Country : Croatia to Iran
4/14/2007 1:58:43 AM
CROATIA Passport and visa required. Visa can be obtained at port of entry but obtaining it in advance may prevent potential complications at the border. There is no charge for business or tourist visa. Please provide SASE or prepaid airbill for return of documents. For further information consult the Embassy of Croatia, 236 Massachusetts Ave., N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002 (202/588-5899). CUBA Passport and visa required. Tourist visa $26, business visa $50, valid up to 6 months, requires 1 application and photo. Send money order only and SASE for return of passport. Apply Cuban Interests Section, 2639 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 (202/797-8609 or 8518). AIDS test required for those staying longer than 90 days. Attention: U.S. citizens need a Treasury Dept. license in order to engage in any transactions related to travel to and within Cuba. Before planning any travel to Cuba, U.S. citizens should contact the Licensing Division, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury, 1331 G St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220 (202/622-2480). CURACAO (See Netherlands Antilles.) CYPRUS Passport required. Visa not required for tourist/business up to 3 months. For employment and other travel, visa required and must be obtained in advance. AIDS test required for certain entertainers; U.S. test accepted. For additional information consult Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus, 2211 R St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/462-5772) or nearest Consulate: AR (602/264-9701), CA (310/397-0771, 510/286-1831), GA (404/941-3764), IN (219/481-6897), LA (504/388-8701), MA (617/497-0219), MI (513/582-1411), NY (212/686-6016), OR (503/227-1411), PA (215/928-4290), or TX (713/928-2264) . CZECH REPUBLIC Passport required. Visa not required for stay up to 30 days. All visitors staying longer than 30 days must register with the appropriate authorities within 3 days after their arrival. For more information contact Embassy of the Czech Republic, 3900 Spring of Freedom Street., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/363-6308). DENMARK (including GREENLAND) Passport required. Tourist/business visa issued on arrival for stay up to 3 months. Period begins when entering Scandinavian area: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden. Special rules apply for entry into the U.S.-operated defense area in Greenland. For further information contact the Royal Danish Embassy, 3200 Whitehaven St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/234-4300) or nearest Consulate General: CA (213/387-4277), Chicago (312/787-8780) or New York (212/223-4545). DJIBOUTI Passport and visa required. Visas must be obtained before arrival. Single-entry visa valid for 30 days, extendable, requires $30 fee, 2 applications, 2 photos, yellow fever immunization, onward/return ticket and sufficient funds. Company letter needed for business visa. Send prepaid envelope for return of passport by registered, certified, or express mail. Apply Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti, 1156 15th St., N.W., Suite 515, Washington, D.C. 20005 (202/331-0270) or the Djibouti Mission to the U.N., 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 4011, New York, NY 10017 (212/753-3163). DOMINICA Proof of U.S. citizenship, photo ID and return/onward ticket required for tourist stay up to 6 months. For longer stays and other information consult Consulate of the Commonwealth of Dominica, 820 2nd Ave., Suite 900, New York, NY 10017 (212/599-8478). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Passport or proof of U.S. citizenship and tourist card or visa required. Tourist card for stay up to 2 months, available from Consulate or from airline serving the Dominican Republic, $10 fee. Visa issued by Consulate, valid up to 5 years, no charge. All persons must pay $10 airport departure fee. AIDS test required for residence permit. U.S. test not accepted. For business travel and other information call the Embassy of the Dominican Republic, 1715 22nd St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/332-6280) or nearest Consulate General: CA (415/982-5144), FL (305/358-3221), IL (312/772-6363), LA (504/522-1843), MA (617/482-8121), NY (212/768-2480), PA (215/923-3006), PR (809/725-9550), or TX (713/266-0165). ECUADOR Passport and return/onward ticket required for stay up to 3 months. For additional information contact the Embassy of Ecuador, 2535 15th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 (202/234-7166) or nearest Consulate General: CA (213/628-3014 or 415/957-5921), FL (305/539-8214), IL (312/329-0266), LA (504/523-3229), MA (617/523-2700), MD (410/889-4435), MI (313/332-7356), NJ (201/642-0208), NV (702/735-8193), NY (212/808-0170/71), PR (809/781-4408), or TX (713/622-8105). EGYPT Passport and visa required. Transit visa for stay up to 48 hours available. Tourist visa, valid 3 months, requires $15 fee (cash or money order), 1 application form and 1 photo. Visa may be issued at airport upon arrival for fee of $20. For business travel, need company letter stating purpose of trip. Enclose prepaid envelope for return of passport by certified mail. Proof of yellow fever immunization required if arriving from infected area. AIDS test required for workers and students staying over 30 days. Register with local authorities or at hotel within 7 days of arrival. Travelers must declare foreign currency on Form 'D' on arrival and show Form 'D' and bank receipts upon departure. Maximum Egyptian currency allowed into and out of Egypt is LE20. For additional information consult Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, 3521 International Court, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/966-6342/48) or nearest Consulate General: CA (415/346-9700), IL (312/828-9162), NY (212/759-7120) or Houston (713/961-4915). EL SALVADOR Passport and visa required. (Length of validity of visa will be determined by Consulate). Requires 1 application form and 2 photos. Allow 3 working days for processing. Send SASE for return of passport by mail. AIDS test required for permanent residence permit. U.S. test not accepted. Apply Consulate General of El Salvador, 1010 16th St., N.W., 3rd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202/331-4032) or nearest Consulate: CA (213/383-5776 or 415/781-7924), FL (305/371-8850), IL (312/322-1393), LA (504/522-4266), NY (212/889-3608) or TX (713/270-6239). ENGLAND (See United Kingdom.) EQUATORIAL GUINEA Passport and visa required. Obtain visa in advance. For further information contact the residence of the Ambassador of Equatorial Guinea at 57 Magnolia Ave., Mount Vernon, NY (914/667-9664). ERITREA Passport and visa required. Tourist/business visa valid for a stay of up to 6 months, requires 1 application, 1 photo, $25 fee (no personal checks). Business visa can be extended up to 1 year, requires company letter stating purpose of travel. Include SASE for return of passport by mail. Allow 3 working days for processing. For more information contact the Embassy of Eritrea, 910 17th St., NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20006 (202/429-1991). ESTONIA Passport required. Visas not required for stay of up to 90 days. AIDS test required for residency and work permits. U.S. test sometimes accepted. For further information contact the Consulate General of Estonia, 630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2415, New York, NY 10020 (212/247-2131). ETHIOPIA Passport and visa required. Tourist/business visa valid for stay up to 2 years, fee $70 or transit visa for 48 hours, $40, requires 1 application, 1 photo and yellow fever immunization. Business visa requires company letter. Send $2 postage for return of passport or $15.30 for Federal Express and $9.95 for Express Mail service. (Money orders only.) Allow 3-4 working days for processing. Exit visas are required of all visitors remaining in Ethiopia for more than 30 days. For longer stays and other information contact Embassy of Ethiopia, 2134 Kalorama Rd., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/234-2281/2). FIJI Passport, proof of sufficient funds and onward/return ticket required. Visa issued on arrival for stay up to 30 days and may be extended up to 6 months. For further information contact Embassy of Fiji, 2233 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., #240, Washington, D.C. 20007 (202/337-8320) or Mission to the U.N., One United Nations Plaza, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10017 (212/355-7316). FINLAND Passport required. Tourist/business visa not required for stay up to 90 days. (90 day period begins when entering Scandinavian area: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland.) Check Embassy of Finland, 3301 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/298-5800) or nearest Consulate General: Los Angeles (310/203-9903) or New York (212/750-4400). FRANCE Passport required to visit France, Andorra, Monaco, Corsica and French Polynesia. Visa not required for tourist/business stay up to 3 months in France, Andorra, Monaco and Corsica, and 1 month in French Polynesia. Journalists on assignment, ship or plane crew members, and students are required to obtain a visa in advance. For further information consult Embassy of France, 4101 Reservoir Rd., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 (202/944-6000/6200) or nearest Consulate: CA (310/479-4426 or 415/397-4330), FL (305/372-9798), GA (404/522-4226), HI (808/599-4458), IL (312/787-5359), LA (504/523-5774), MA (617/482-3650), NY (212/606-3600), PR (809/753-1700) or TX (713/528-2181). FRENCH GUIANA Proof of U.S. citizenship and photo ID required for visit up to 3 weeks. (For stays longer than 3 weeks, a passport is required.) No visa required for stay up to 3 months. For further information consult Embassy of France, 4101 Reservoir Rd., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 (202/944-6000/6200). FRENCH POLYNESIA Includes Society Islands, French Southern and Antarctic Lands, Tuamotu, Gambier, French Austral, Marquesas, Kerguelen, Crozet, New Caledonia, Tahiti, Wallis and Furtuna Islands. Passport required. Visa not required for visit up to 1 month. For longer stays and further information consult Embassy of France (202/944-6000/6200). GABON Passport and visa required. Visas must be obtained before arrival. Single-entry visa valid up to 1 month, multiple-entry visa valid for 1-4 months. Both visas require 2 application forms, 2 photos, yellow fever vaccinations, and $50 fee (no personal checks accepted). Also need detailed travel arrangements, including flight numbers, arrival and departure dates, accommodations and next destination. A certificate of accommodation issued by the host family or institution in Gabon is required. Business visa requires company letter stating purpose of trip and contacts in Gabon. Accompanying family must be included in letter. For longer stays and other information call Embassy of the Gabonese Republic, 2034 20th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 (202/797-1000) or the Permanent Mission of the Gabonese Republic to the UN, 18 East 41st St., 6th Floor, New York, NY 10017 (212/686-9720). GALAPAGOS ISLANDS Passport and onward/return ticket required for visits up to 3 months. For further information consult Embassy of Ecuador (202/234-7166). GAMBIA Passport and visa required. Tourist/business visa for a stay of up to 12 months, requires 1 application, and 1 photo. For business visa, you also need company letter stating purpose of visit and itinerary. Allow at least 2 working days for processing. Include prepaid envelope for return of passport by mail. Apply Embassy of the Gambia, 1155 15th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 (202/785-1399) or Permanent Mission of The Gambia to the U.N., 820 2nd Ave., 9th floor, New York, NY 10017 (212/949-6640). GEORGIA Passport, visa and letter of invitation required. Visa requires 1 application, 1 photo, itinerary and processing fee. Please provide SASE or prepaid airbill for return of documents. For additional information contact the Embassy of the Republic of Georgia, Suite 424, 1511 K St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 (202/393-6060). GERMANY Passport required. Tourist/business visa not required for stay up to 3 months. For longer stays (e.g. employment, students) obtain temporary residence permit upon arrival. Applicants of residence permits staying over 90 days may be asked to undergo a medical examination. Every foreign national entering Germany is required to provide proof of sufficient health insurance and funds. For further information contact the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, 4645 Reservoir Rd., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 (202/298-4000) or nearest Consulate General: CA (415/775-1061, 213/930-2703), FL (305/358-0290), GA (404/659-4760), IL (312/580-1199), MA (617/536-4414), MI (313/962-6526), NY (212/308-8700), TX (713/627-7770), or WA (206/682-4312). GHANA Passport and visa required. Passport must be valid for at least six months at time of entry. Tourist visa required for stay up to 30 days (extendable). Requires 1 application form, 4 photos, photocopy of onward/return ticket, bank statement or pay stub and yellow fever immunization. Single-entry visa requires $20 fee, multiple-entry $50. Allow 3 working days for processing. Include prepaid envelope for return of passport by certified mail. For additional information contact Embassy of Ghana, 3512 International Drive, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/686-4520) or Consulate General, 19 East 47th St., New York, NY 10017 (212/832-1300). GIBRALTAR Passport required. Visa not required for tourist stay up to 3 months. For further information consult British Embassy (202/986-0205). GILBERT ISLANDS (See Kiribati.) GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND (See United Kingdom.) GREECE Passport required. Visa not required for tourist/business stay up to 3 months. AIDS test required for performing artists and students on Greek scholarships; U.S. test accepted. For additional information consult Consular Section of the Embassy of Greece, 2211 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/232-8222) or nearest Consulate: CA (213/385-1447 or 415/775-2102), GA (404/261-3313), IL (312/372-5356), LA (504/523-1167), MA (617/542-3240), NY (212/988-5500) or TX (713/840-7522). GREENLAND (See Denmark.) GRENADA Passport is recommended, but tourists may enter with birth certificate and photo ID. Visa not required for tourist stay up to 3 months, may be extended to maximum of 6 months. For additional information consult Embassy of Grenada, 1701 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 (202/265-2561) or Permanent Mission of Grenada to the U.N. (212/599-0301). GUADELOUPE (See West Indies, French.) GUATEMALA Passport and visa or tourist card required. Visa is valid for 3 years with multiple entries of 30 days each. Requires passport and 1 application form. Tourist card of 30 days stay (extendable). Requires passport and $5 fee. Provide SASE for return of passport by mail. For travel by minors and general information about contact the Embassy of Guatemala, 2220 R St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008-4081 (202/745-4952), or nearest Consulate: CA (213/365-9251/2 or 415/788-5651), FL (305/443-4828/29), IL (312/332-3170), NY (212/686-3837) or TX (713/953-9531). GUIANA, FRENCH (See French Guiana.) GUINEA Passport and visa required. Tourist/business visa for stay up to three months, requires 3 application forms, 3 photos, yellow fever immunization and $25 fee (cash or money order only). Malaria suppressants are recommended. For business visa need company letter stating purpose of trip and letter of invitation from company in Guinea. Provide SASE for return of passport by mail. For more information contact the Embassy of the Republic of Guinea, 2112 Leroy Pl., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/483-9420). GUINEA-BISSAU Passport and visa required. Visa must be obtained in advance. Visa valid up to 90 days, requires 2 application forms, 2 photos, financial guarantee to cover stay, letter staying purpose of travel and $12 fee (payment by money order only). Include prepaid envelope for return of passport by express mail. Apply Embassy of Guinea-Bissau, 918 16th St., N.W., Mezzanine Suite, Washington, D.C. 20006 (202/872-4222). GUYANA - Passport required. For more information consult Embassy of Guyana, 2490 Tracy Pl., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/265-6900/03) or Consulate General, 866 U.N. Plaza, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10017 (212/527-3215). HAITI Passport required. For further information consult Embassy of Haiti, 2311 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/332-4090) or nearest Consulate: FL (305/859-2003), MA (617/266-36601), NY (212/697-9767), PR (809/764-1392), or IL (312/922-4004). HOLY SEE, APOSTOLIC NUNCIATURE OF THE Passport required (for entry into Italy). For further information consult Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See, 3339 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/333-7121) or call Embassy of Italy (202/328-5500). HONDURAS Passport and onward/return ticket required. For additional information contact Embassy of Honduras (Consular Section), Suite 310, 1612 K Street., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 (202/223-0185) or nearest Consulate: CA (213/383-9244 and 415/392-0076), FL (305/447-8927), IL (312/772-7090), LA (504/522-3118), NY (212/269-3611) or TX (713/622-4572). HONG KONG Passport and onward/return transportation by sea/air required. Visa not required for tourist stay up to 30 days, may be extended to 3 months. Confirmed hotel and flight reservations recommended during peak travel months. Departure tax 150 Hong Kong dollars (approx. $20 U.S.) paid at airport. Visa required for work or study. For other types of travel consult British Embassy (202/986-0205). HUNGARY - Passport required. Visa not required for stay up to 90 days. For business travel and other information check Embassy of the Republic of Hungary, 3910 Shoemaker Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/362-6730) or Consulate General, 8 East 75th Street, New York, NY 10021 (212/879-4127). ICELAND Passport required. Visa not required for stay up to 3 months. Period begins when entering Scandinavian area: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden. For additional information call Embassy of Iceland, 1156 15th Street, N.W., Suite 1200, Washington, D.C. 20005 (202/265-6653-5) or Consulate General in New York (212/686-4100). INDIA Passport and visa required. Obtain visa in advance. Transit visa valid for stay up to 15 days, requires $25 fee. Visas are available up to 3 months for $40, up to 6 months for $60, 1 year for $70, and a 5 yr. visa for $120 but given only on a strict basis. 1 application form, 2 photos, onward/return ticket and proof of sufficient funds. Visa must be obtained before arrival. Business visa requires $70 fee, 1 application form, 2 photos and company letter stating purpose of trip and itinerary. Include prepaid envelope for return of passport by certified mail. Allow 1 weeks for processing if sent by mail. Yellow fever immunization needed if arriving from infected area. AIDS test required for all students and anyone over 18 staying more than 1 year; U.S. test from well known lab accepted. Check requirements with Embassy of India, 2536 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 (202/939-9839/9849) or nearest Consulate General: Chicago (312/718-6280), New York (212/879-7805/6) or San Francisco (415/668-0683). INDONESIA Valid passport and onward/return ticket required. Visa not required for tourist stay up to 2 months (non-extendable). For longer stays and additional information consult Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, 2020 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (202/775-5200) or nearest Consulate: CA (213/383-5126 or 415/474-9571), IL (312/938-0101), NY (212/879-0600) or TX (713/785-1691). IRAN Passport and visa required. The United States does not maintain diplomatic or consular relations with Iran. Travel by U.S. citizens is not recommended. For visa information contact Embassy of Pakistan, Iranian Interests Section, 2209 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 (202/965-4990). Travel Tools Passports, Visas, Luggage, Travel Insurance, Spa Reservations, Sunglasses, Late Night and Cauual Apparel Travel Tools Vacation Packages Airfare, Hotel Reservations, Package Discounts, Discount Airfare, Luxury Hotels, Business Class Airfare Vacation Packages Airfare Flights, Online Only Discount Airfare, Airport Shuttles, First Class Airfare, Discount Airfare, Business Class Airfare Airfare Family Vacations All-Inclusive Family Vacations, Resort Hotels, Family Vacation Packages Hotels

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