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Pray with me through the week
8/20/2006 9:48:58 AM

A prayer for a Sunday Morning:

What a privilege  is ours,O God, as we prepare to worship you,with fellow Christians,to come into your house to receive a blessing and to offer our worship and praise! Prepare our hearts,that we might worship You in spirit and in Truth. Give power and joy to all pastors who will this day preach Your word,that they may do it to Your Glory and for the spiritual growth of Your people. Bless our Sunday school teachers,organists,choirs,and all who serve in the worship and teaching ministry fo the church. Bless those who are not able to attend due to illness or work,and keep them close to You. In Jesus name praise and honor to you,O God,this day and always. Amen!

Re: Pray with me through the week
8/21/2006 6:36:42 PM

Sunday Evening:

"O God our Father open Thou our lips, and our mouth shall show forth

Thy Praise"(Psalm 51:15). We come to Thee with humble adoration,and thankfully seeking Thy Love and Mercy. The promises in Thy Word,O lord,do comfort and strenthen us always, "do not forsake us O Lord. O our God be not

far from us! Make haste to help us,O lord our salvation,"(psalm 38:21-22)"I call upon Thee,O lord; make haste to me! Give ear to my voice when I call upon Thee. Let my prayer be counted as incence beforeThee.and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice"(psalm 141:1-2). May we rest tonight in Thy quiet peace of Thy presence,through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,Amen!

Re: Pray with me through the week
8/21/2006 6:45:13 PM

Monday Morning:

Heavenly Father, as we begin another week of labor and the opportunity to serve, we ask You to walk with us. Help us to see this day as a gift of Your Love. Give us faith to accept Your blessing and to use it rightly. Give us love, that we may be our brother`s keeper. Give us joy, that we might reflect Your

love to all around us. And give us courage to be the salt and light to our part of the world. As we have freely received, so help us to freely give. In every activity may we reflect Your love as we serve our neighbor. In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ,who first loved us, we ask this. Amen!

Re: Pray with me through the week
8/21/2006 7:00:49 PM

Monday Evening:

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence,and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the Joy of Thy salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit"(Psalm 51:10-12).

 Into Thy loving and protecting hands we place ourselves and all those dear to us,at home and away from home, and in this community.Dear God be with those who are in any kind of danger and or in distress. Grant them all the blessings of real peace in our crucified and resurected Redeemer Jesus Christ. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, My Rock and my Redeemer"(Psalm19:14) .

Forgive us all our sins this day,where we have done wrong,and graciously keep us this night.For into your hands we commend ourselves our body and soul,and all things.Let your Holy angel guide us and guard us from all perils, let the wicked foe may have no power over us. In Jesus name we Pray.Amen!

Re: Pray with me through the week
8/22/2006 3:22:50 AM

Tuesday Morning:

Gracious God,we rise today thankful for your care during the past night.

As we enjoyed restful sleep,we were confident that you never  slumber nor sleep. Now be with us,we pray as we face the opportunities and challenges of today. Protect us from harm and danger as we come and go. Keep us from all temtations this day,we are not sufficient unto ourselves,but we know that your strenth is made perfect in our weakness.,Let the power,presence,and the peace of Jesus Christ, our savior and our Lord,suround us,that we may walk in His ways,and share His love; in Jesus Name we pray.Amen!


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