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If you have not read this, I highly recommend it...
8/18/2006 2:07:44 PM


I just finished reading the book "The Richest Man in Babylon." Gary recommended it, and I usually enjoy books he recommends so I picked up a copy. I'm glad I did. (Thanks for the recommendation, Gary. I enjoyed it)

I finished the last chapter this morning, over morning coffee. Then I went to my office and checked email, which is how I start every day. As all the "offers" from Adland members flooded in, I couldn't help but think "Gee, Azmur the brickmaker sure lives on at Adland."

If you haven't read the book, that will make no sense, of course. But the honest, unvarnished truth is that there's a LOT of people at Adland that are struggling and don't know why. Those that aren't struggling can see- very clearly - why others are struggling.

If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it.  It's written as a story staged in ancient Babylonia. The story itself is only 136 pages. A quick read.
  -- you can get a copy at the library for free.
  -- you can get a used copy at Amazon for $3.50
  -- or a new copy (at for $6.99
  -- or get it at a local bookstore for under $9

I can't think of a wiser way to spend $4-$9. On the surface, it has nothing to do with making money online. But once you read it, you'll see a LOT of mistakes that people are making online. The story of Azmur the brickmaker (chapter 2) is only one of them. Bet you can find many more.

After you read it, come back and tell me what you think.
How does it apply to people here?
To your business?

If you've already read it - thoughts?


Mark Hodgetts

71 Posts
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Re: If you have not read this, I highly recommend it...
8/18/2006 2:38:55 PM
Thanks linda I'll stop by th elibrary on my way to Hockey this morning. I really appreciate your forum - it is exceptional Cheers Mark
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: If you have not read this, I highly recommend it...
8/18/2006 2:45:02 PM
Hi Linda,

First welcome back after some absence. What happened?

I read the book some time ago and it was an eye opener to me.  The main reason in my opinion why large majority of people are not making any money online  is that they believe in fairy tales. They believe that one day they will find this proverbial ugly frog which they kiss and it will change in prince or princess.

The real fact is that this rarely happens if at all. It might appear that this happens from time to time to some people, but this is just an illusion. These people did their work earlier and they happened to be around.

Some other people jump from place to place and they never have enough time to understand what it is required from them.

Also majority forgets that for any business to succeed there must be some problem solved first to create a demand for that product or service. No business has been built on the bases just of making money.

Coming back to the book. The book shows how fortune can be accumulated when one spends less than one earns and invests the remainder.
How one event leads to another when person concentrates on one task at a time and becomes the best in the narrow specialized domain.

If I was asked what was the one greatest thing I learnt from this book, I would say, that this would be: spend less than you earn and invest whatever was left and never touch it. You will be surprised how quickly you will amass a fortune.

If every kid at age of 10 would put aside $1 a day and invest it at 10% interests, they would be a milliners by 65.

Re: If you have not read this, I highly recommend it...
8/18/2006 2:50:18 PM
Hi Linda,

I have read the book.

I believe it applies to more than just money. We invest many things, time, love, work, etc. I believe the principle applies to all. It is the principle of abundance. If you want more, you should always give a little extra.

I know you do this Linda. You have given freely here at Adland even when you were not sure if anybody was listening or if those that were listening actually got it.

As Bogdan said, glad you are back posting.

DrDA Detox and Heal
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Re: If you have not read this, I highly recommend it...
8/18/2006 4:01:07 PM

Hi Bogdan!

First welcome back after some absence. What happened?

Too much. lol. We are moving Sept 1, my business has tripled in the last year, client with rush order, throw in getting sick on top of it all... lol.  Too much to post. It's been crazy, but getting saner. Did you miss me?  lol

I read the book some time ago and it was an eye opener to me.  The main reason in my opinion why large majority of people are not making any money online  is that they believe in fairy tales.

Right you are.

The Fourth Law of Gold
Gold slippeth away from the man who invests it in business or purposes with which he is not familiar or which are not approved by those skilled in it's keep.
[end excerpt]

Two "real life" examples:

... do Bill Gates or Warren Buffet (skilled in the keep of money) join HYIP? No.

... how many people are trying to sell "how to make money online" products when they, themselves, have never made any money online? Too many. They are investing money (OR time as David points out) in a business which which they are not familiar. Big mistake.

Coming back to the book. The book shows how fortune can be accumulated when one spends less than one earns and invests the remainder. How one event leads to another when person concentrates on one task at a time and becomes the best in the narrow specialized domain.

Very true. Those are the predominant points. I also loved the examples of mistakes people make. The story of the business venture with the brickmaker, and the debate about whether to lend the brother in law money, for example. Also the point he makes about people who believe they can not make money because they have no money. Smaller points, but very poignant ones that can change the unproductive thinking patterns so many people have.

If every kid at age of 10 would put aside $1 a day and invest it at 10% interests, they would be a milliners by 65.

Very true. Of course, children learn from their parents, and since most parents do not save - their children do not, either. True the words "Children learn what they live." As adults, we can change what we learn... sometimes for as little as the cost of a $7 book.




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