
Who is David @retiredteacherd Follow Me On Twitter?

David @retiredteacherd Follow Me On Twitter

David @retiredteacherd Follow Me On Twitter
BirthdaySaturday, June 1, 1963
Member SinceTuesday, March 22, 2005
Last ActivityWednesday, February 21, 2018
LocationSalt Lake City , Utah, United States United States
About Me
About Me

    DB Research, LC
                    Helping you because we love to!

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I come from a large Mormon family. I am the oldest of a family of 10. My family moved around a lot. No we were not in the military, that is just what my father did. By the time I was 21 I had moved 22 times. I have lived all over the central western states.

I went to junior high on the indian reservation at Ft. Defiance, AZ. As you can imagine, that was an interesting experience. By the time I left the indian reservation, I had many Navajo friends. I have learned from my many travels that people are people everywhere.

I started High School at Colorado City Academy. I went from there to St. George,UT to Overton, NV to St. George, UT to West Valley, UT. I graduated from Granger High in West Valley, UT a suburb of Salt Lake City, UT. I got a full scholarship there to go to the University of Utah in the Materials Science and Engineering department. My friend Keith Casper and I both got the scholarship.

My father's family went through many hardships during this time. My father lost his job and became ill. I had to work to support the family. My grades dropped at college so I was not chosen to continue in the engineering program. Also, at this same time, President Ronald Reagan cut off welfare assistance to the poor so my our family lost our home. We split up at this point.

I went to live with an uncle. My father's family went to live with friends in Magna, UT. I still helped them out as I could. I tried a bunch of different things at this time to continue college and take care of my father's family as I could. I started a sales job selling china, silverware and stainless waterless cookware. This was the beginning of my sales experience. Things went from bad to worse. I dropped out of college. I went to work for my great uncle building quakey pole fence up Salina Canyon near Salina, UT. I worked with my Great Uncle that spring and all that summer. (Click the MyResume link in the upper right hand corner to see more of my work experience or Click Here .Be warned though. I am a details person. Guess what, there is a lot of detail there in my resume ;-) )

Three days later I had my teaching certificate and was teaching school

My great grandfather was my mentor at the time. He has watched over me since I was a little boy. He encouraged me to go back to college and get my teaching degree as the small town where most of our relatives were needed teachers. So that is what I did. Two years later I graduated with my teaching endorsements. I have a BS in Physical Science Composite with a Secondary Education Teaching Endorsement. Three days later I had my teaching certificate and was teaching school.

One month later I married the love of my life, Nancy. We have been married for 19 years now. We have 9 children, 6 girls and 3 boys. We live in the same rural community where I taught school for 12 years on a small farm with a garden, chickens, geese, cats, horses, and goats. Boy do we need to plant a field of hay!

I taught school in this rural Northern Arizona town for 12 years. I then got sick and had to retire from teaching. I have been working for myself ever since. During this time of teaching I never had enough money. I was always looking for something extra. I started my company DB Research, LC back then. What follows in my history with DB Research, LC, my struggles with my health and my health business.

DB Research, LC and Healing

As you know, I am a retired school teacher. I taught in the public schools 12 years. I taught Math, Science, and computer science in the local high school. I am a geek, yet I love to work with other people and help them.

Web Developer, Software Engineer, and Marketer

Currently I work at home at my business, DB Research, LC. I have owned this business for over 20 years. It started out as a computer sales and service business for local businesses. That worked well for awhile. The markets changed though and so did I. I have since focused on the health and wellness industry. I am also a software engineer. I am one of the few programmers that can actually program a commission backend for Network Marketing companies.

Right now I develope and maintain websites for my clients. I provide web promotions, press release, and publishing services. I have recently had some fanatastic success with some new technology health equipment using reflexology which I liked so much I became a distributor for the companies. Business is growing rapidly so I am quite busy what with my regular clients and the new products.

AdlandPro is the Greatest

I really enjoy AdlandPro. It has been one of my greatest resources. The people here at AdlandPro are like minded and friendly. AdlandPro is the best business portal in my opinion. I put my money where my mouth is with AdlandPro. I recommend you seriously consider doing the same all you out there looking to make a success with the internet.

DB Research, LC has been in the technology business since 1985. We have specialized in the health and nutrition industry.

So, why are we selling health products you ask?

To answer that question we must give you some history of the founder of DB Research, LC, David Black.

I want to tell you my story for several reasons:

  1. I want you to believe there is hope. There are ways to help your body heal itself. You or someone you know is in ill health. That is why you are here. So I offer hope first.
  2. In providing the details of my success, I hope it will help you believe. I offer belief in yourself and your body to heal secondly.
  3. I provide my phone number up front 435-616-5480. If you do not believe you can help your body heal, if you just want to hear it from my own lips, if you just need a friend who has been "through it," call me. That is why my number is here.

What I am NOT here to do is get your sympathy. My story and my family's story is what I know. When others provide me with their story, their phone number, their permission to put it here, then I will do that. Until then, I hope you will find our story and our friendship strength enough to stay on your path of healing.

PS: Our friendship is freely given whether you buy our products or not .

PPS: There are those in marketing and other cliche groups that will take a look at my site and say it is "unprofessional" "amateur" etc. I have it that way on purpose. I want you to know I am just the same as you. I am fighting to get my health back just as you. I am not some large health company with a big budget to make my site have all the polish, all the aplume. This site is for you. The information is for you. The products are for you. If you have a suggestion that I could do to improve it, call me or send your suggestion to me from my question form at the bottom of the home page. You could also use my Contact Us form. I am glad to hear what you have to say. I promise I will respond back to every contact, every question. Bless You All! May Good Health Find You Safe, Secure, and Satisfied.

About nine years ago David got very sick. He went to the doctors. He was diagnosed with mononucleosis. David was told to go home go to bed and make the best of it. He was told that if he stayed in bed for a solid month he might heal enough to work a desk job.

I never gave up though

Here is the remainder of the story in David's own words,

My heart and my liver have caused me constant pains all my life

"I had a large family to care for, what was I going to do? I was flat in bed for over 9 months. I never gave up though. That is when I started on my own path of self diagnosis and healing. Since then I have been on a constant errand to heal my own body. I found out I have had a liver disease I have had all my life. In fact my liver has caused me constant pains all my life, just as my heart has. I remember as a boy thinking I had two hearts because I had pains in both sides of my chest. I knew the left side was my heart. I did not know the right side was my liver. I just ignored them most of the time because the pains were short back then.

I pushed my body too far

It all caught up with me when I pushed my body too far in an attempt to climb up the corporate ladder. The mononucleosis was not a good thing for my pre existing liver condition either. I did have extreme bouts of pain and fatigue. Even after I went back to work after the 9 months being bedridden I had these terrible sessions of pain. When they were the worst, it felt as if someone was scraping the bone marrow out of the insides of my bones. I felt as if I had a terrible flu were my muscles and joints just ached.

Nothing seem to help much. It seemed that all the good nutrition, minerals, and herbs were not really getting to my cells. I just had to go rest. Needless to say it was hard to keep a good job. Now, I work at home so I can work when I feel well. I can also rest when I need to.

These health products I recommend and sell have all helped me. Unlike others, they are the ones that have consistently helped me. In July of 2005 I was able to get two high tech health units, the Miracle Foot Massager and the BBS Foot Detox Spa, the Detox Spa Combo System. I was so impressed with these units I became a distributor for them.

These two units have helped me loose over 50 lbs. I lost over 10 inches on my waist. My hair is strawberry blonde like it was when I was a boy. This Detox Spa Combo System has really made a great difference in a short time for my wife, myself and others. The activated ionic minerals have helped take the pain away. The pain eraser EnerGels pad energizes the water I drink and helps relieve my heart pains. I do not have those terrible painful sessions anymore. Dr. Howard's Balance of Nature has helped me level out my blood sugars while getting the daily recommended dosages of fruits and vegetables all in a few concentrated pills I take everywhere."

DB Research Products and Services:
BBS Pro Detox Foot Spa, BBS Home Foot Spa, BBS Water Module, Miracle ElectroWave Foot Massager, DB Research's Healing Relieving Detox Miracle System, Dr. Scholl's Ultimate Foot Bath, Active Ionic activated ionic trace minerals, Omica Plus fulvic acid plant ionic minerals, EnerGels Pocket Pain Eraser, VivaTouch bio-interactive analysis, internet marketing for health and nutrition, database backends for web portals, web development, search engine services, press releases, public service announcements.

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Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (5/29/2016 8:15:39 AM) : Happy Birthday ~~~ Happiness is one's mind over matter. One's mind being the individual, living among the living ... Matter is infinite from the point of an individual ... beyond Earth into the cosmos ... by Jan aka Jaz (December 23, 2015)
Linda Harvey - (3/5/2010 12:13:31 AM) : My Harvest America saves money, time on your grocery/household budget and I love the convenience of delivery to your door by FedEx On the average of 25% plus no tax. If you think this is too good to be true folks here is the owner Fred Weih on the CBS affilaite TV station's in Tulsa & OKC on Monday morning.
John Partington - (4/16/2007 7:39:40 AM) : Hi David,

You are one of a few friends who I can rely on to give advice if I ask for it, also you have been active in some of my programs and you still advertise on some of my websites.

I value your friendship both here and on my own networking site, so if David isn't on your friends list? He should be, so invite him now!

Best Wishes
Sunnie Ford - (2/8/2007 6:29:34 PM) : You can't be all bad, can you?
Richard Barns - (11/1/2006 6:04:49 PM) : Hi Sir,
First day on here today.
My partner and I are forming a mystery shopping company and are consultants for cosmetics and gifts.
Our website is

Nice to speak to you.
Karen Carcel - (9/3/2006 3:37:50 AM) : savesu

I cured my self so I new Icould cure every body else. Suggest to you watching the, where I bought a million Shares in prime time productions, maybe you have not heard of them.I also suggest that you check out the following websites for your perusal. Unless you are frightened something nice might just happen to,,

Don't you think you owe this knowledge to your children or are you Happy to see the government keep poisoning you for a billion dollar Industry of prescription drugs meant to kill if you are happy with this take no Notice because how you sleep at night with this knowledge is beyond My imagination I have enclosed my poem which is being published.

DESIRE@Karen Carcel

Desire is the serum of the soul secreted to the universe in thought
Binding the energies of creation form given genesis in one new Image.
I am, I am what I will I will what I believe I believe what I Accept
I accept what I love I love what I am I am.

Have a nice day

According to

Favourite Links
Natural Cures
Health Science Institute

Favourite Links
Rose Enderud - (8/18/2006 5:02:13 AM) : Hello Dr. David,
I have enjoyed your forums and post. You are always trying to help your friends. I admire that.
James Max - (7/16/2006 10:09:54 AM) : Hey David, My Friend.

A Teacher, humanitarian, doctor, philosopher and a great love for humanity.

Your helpfulness and caring for your fellower adland friends is commendable.

I am so honored to be on your friends' list.

With Love From Vegas

Jeff Nield - (7/10/2006 7:19:39 PM) : Hi David I was going to give you a 10 but people always need to strive for better. LOL
Thanks so much for the chance to read your story and I am glad you are on the path to well being.
I was hoping you may not have heard of the Xooma product as yet.

A strange thing to say you may think!

But if you have not then I would like to introduce you to my site for the purpose of what may be.
Here you will be able to see what this does and with an open mind take on board the possibilities of what it may do for you and friends you know.
You will need about 30 minutes of your time so please when you have that time view the site and do it justice by letting the process end before tuning off. So many of the MLM fraternity are so busy trying to make money they never take time to look at opportunities properly. I now always give the proposer my time and then make my decision.
So David if you have 30 minutes what have you to loose. It may just be what can help you can the wellbeing you have wanted.

Thanks in advance
Thank God for MLM
Thanks for your presences

Jeff Nield
Leon Horton - (6/24/2006 11:24:04 PM) : Hi David,

Man! I am so sorry for not giving you this rating until now.

You are a great friend and I appreciate all that you do here for all of your friends. I hope one day that I will be able to purchase the foot bath massager/detoxifier from you.

I wish you much success and peace.

Thanks for being a great friend,


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